Chapter 10

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"He explained why I was having those nightmares, it's because my father's back."

The surprise was evident in Kakashi for a moment, but was gone almost as soon as it was there. His eyes seemed to darken as he asks,

"And he's sure of this?"

I shrug, I didn't know myself, actually. I've known Okuri to be a notorious liar, so there was no way for me to know if he was telling the truth or not unless I actually do find my father somewhere around here. I reply,

"I don't know, the only way to know for sure is to look for him in the areas Okuri told me of. Even then, he could already have moved on and won't be there if he actually is out there somewhere."


I pulled on Kakashi's vest to get him to bend down to my level, he does and I place a kiss to his forehead then say,

"You had better be careful out there, understand?"

I knew there was more of a demanding tone than a worried one to my voice as I spoke, but I didn't give a damn right now. Kakashi was going out with a few members of the ANBU to do a patrol around the village and the surrounding area outside of it. There was no real reason he had to go along with them, but he was anyway, he said something about wanting confirmation for himself. Obito was seated in Kakashi's chair behind his desk, a pencil was in his hand as he seemingly scribbled on the paper placed in front of him. Neither of us had told him what was going on, we decided it would be for the better. Besides, he's probably still too young to understand any of it anyway. 

Kakashi nods as he stands up straight, he replies,

"You tell me every time, I'm sure I know by now. We should be back before sundown, stay here and keep an eye on Obito until then." 

"I will," I say as he goes to step away from me, I reach out and grab hold of his sleeve without thinking about it, I add,

"I love you." 

He only stares at me for a moment, almost like he was hearing me say it for the first time ever. But he closes the space between us and wraps his arms around me in a hug while saying,

"I love you too." 

I wrapped my arms around him and returned the embrace, I honestly didn't want him to go. I had a bad feeling in my stomach, something was really bothering me, but I couldn't tell what it was. It was reminding me of how animals go and hide before a thunderstorm, or before something bad happens in general. My hands held on to the back of his vest tightly as I heard one of the ANBU members say,

"We should go now, Hokage sir. There are only a few hours of daylight left." 

He reluctantly pulls away from the hug, leaving an empty feeling in my arms where he previously had been. I hope whatever this feeling in my stomach was would go away, it was starting to make me feel absolutely sick. 


I yawned as I leaned back in Kakashi's chair, the sun had started to set, so I'm assuming he'll be coming back soon. It was actually really boring in his office, there wasn't anything to do. Obito had moved to the floor, and was lying on his stomach while still scribbling away. The room had a faint orange tone from the rays of the setting sun, giving it a warm glow.

The relaxed atmosphere was making me tired, I felt like I'd fall asleep at any second. My eyes closed and I felt myself nodding off already, but I was pretty much yanked from that sleep-like state by Obito saying,


My eyes were open in an instant and I saw that he really was back, my father was in the room with Obito and I. How he got in without myself, much less anyone else around the building, noticing was beyond me. He looked almost exactly how I remembered, his face was still burned into my memory. His hair was a very light brown, his eyes the opposite and extremely dark, with thin wire glasses on his face. He had a white coat on with a black shirt and pants, and black boots to go along with it. 

I got up from the chair and felt my heart beat steadily faster as I ask,

"What the hell are you doing here?"

He cocks his head to the side slightly, a mocking grin is on his face as he says in response, 

"Aren't you happy to see me? I know your little one certainly is, he always seems happy when I visit him." 

"I'm far from happy, why would ever think I'd be happy to see you?" I spat angrily, only seeing him filled me to the brim with the content of killing him,

"Especially after what you did to me? You're out of your mind, Hideki, more so than you already were if you think that."

Just saying his name made me feel sick, almost to the point of where I could puke. I hold out my hand without taking my eyes off of him as I say almost demanding, 

"Obito. Come here, now." 

As he moved to get up from the floor, Hideki acted before I had a chance to realize what had happened. He had gotten over to where I was and backed me against the wall, he stood over me easily by at least six inches. I tried to keep my face hardened and threatening, but it was difficult to. Mainly because I was terrified, more so than I've ever been about anything. The man in front of me now was the cause for all the pain and suffering I've endured throughout my life. My breathing felt very heavy all of a sudden, and the room was silent. 

I opened my mouth to say something, but I don't get the chance to because his hand was then at my throat. It felt like he was going to crush my windpipe with only a flick of his wrist, for someone his age he certainly hadn't let himself deteriorate strength wise. My lungs were already burning for air, my hands were shaking considerably as I tried to pry his hand away. It wasn't easy, especially since I could feel myself getting more and more light-headed and weaker by the second. 

The only sound I was able to make was a choking one, a literal struggle for air. I realized now that my feet were no longer touching the floor either, I hadn't even noticed him picking me up. My vision was also getting filled with dark spots, it was only a matter of seconds before I would pass out. He must have known this, because he then says,

"I won't have you speaking to me that way, you know what I told you about that. Multiple times before." 

I managed to look away from him to see Obito was at his side, he pulled on his white coat while saying,

"Let momma go, grandpa." 

Hideki only uses his other hand to push him away, causing Obito to fall to the floor. It filled me with rage, not only from seeing him push my son, but simply the fact that he had the audacity to even lay a finger on him. I struggled in his grasp, yet that only seemed to make it feel like he was squeezing tighter. Hell, he probably was. He then says,

"Now, I didn't want to do that to him. I did, however, because you're being difficult. I want you to listen, and listen well, Keira...Hatake." 

The disgust was clearly evident in his voice as he says my long placed surname of a different family, his voice was so full of hate as well,

"I didn't come here to cause any trouble, not yet at least. I came to tell you one thing, and I sure hope Okuri is listening as well, because this involves him a great deal. Once I decide the time is right, I'll be taking back what's rightfully mine."

I had no idea what he could have meant by that, I didn't care though. The black spots in my vision had grown substantially, I couldn't hardly make out anything, only the blob that was Hideki himself,

"And when I do, it's going to be...let's say, mutually beneficial to you and I alike."

My eyes were closed at this point, and everything was completely dark. I felt myself hit the wooden floor just before I passed out. 

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