Chapter 11

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I slowly opened my eyes with a groan as I felt someone shaking me from that unconscious state, my vision was kind of blurry and sideways, but I could make out the form as Obito to be the one shaking me. I sat up and brought my hand up to my throat, lightly brushing my fingers over my skin there made me realize that there was a nasty bruise there now, it hurt like hell still. I looked at Obito, his cheeks were tear stained and red. 

Without a word, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to my chest. As I held him I took a look around the room, Hideki was gone, and it didn't seem like anything was out of place. I felt relieved he left and Obito was still here, but also still very angry and even confused. Obito holds on to my shirt as I embraced him, I could feel him shaking, and it was understandable. He was only three years old and had just been exposed to something any child of his age would find scary, if not traumatizing. He witnessed his own mother being choked by someone he thought he could trust, and it's my fault for letting it happen. I could have done something to stop Hideki from catching me off guard like that, I could have fought harder against him. But, of course I couldn't. I still freeze up whenever he's around, it's become a reflex that I can't control. I lowered my head and rested it on top of my sons', one of my hands went to gently rub his back to help keep him calm. 

I held Obito like that for what felt like only a few short moments, when in reality, it could have been an hour or so. I didn't even bother looking up as the door was opened and a few people came in, one of them came over to Obito and I. They put their hand on my shoulder and ask,

"What happened? Why are you two down on the floor?"

It was Kakashi, if he was back already then I can only assume the other people are the ANBU members he took along with him. I raised my head to look at him, I went to respond, but the only sound that left my mouth was a sort of wheeze. It only hurt my throat more to try and talk, yet I knew I had to tell him, so I pushed aside the pain and replied,


The one word was enough to put him on edge on the inside, I could tell. On the outside, however, he was the opposite, almost calm even. He turns his attention back to the ANBU members and states,

"Do another sweep of the village, leave no area unchecked." 

The pair bowed slightly in respect and were gone in an instant, Kakashi kneels down next to me and reaches for Obito. He had only placed his hand on his back, but the small child cowers at his touch. Kakashi pulls his hand away and looks back to me, there was certainly a confused sense to him now, and what seemed like hurt as well. I couldn't bear to see him like that, so I turned my head away from him. His own son had been scared by his fathers' concern, I couldn't help but feel to be the one to blame for it.


Four days have already gone by since my father got into the village and talked to me, Kakashi had insisted Obito and I stay with him until this whole crappy situation is sorted out since then. My throat has gotten somewhat better, I can at least talk more without it hurting as much. Though there is still a dark bruise there, that would take a few more days to heal up. We were actually back in Kakashi's office, I was sitting in his chair with Obito on my lap while he was to our left, simply looking out the window over the village. He hasn't said anything in a while, which was actually starting to worry me. 

I know he's upset about what's happening, I am too. Obito slides off my lap and goes over to Kakashi, he timidly reaches up and holds on to his hand. I turned the chair to look at them both, it was kind of heartwarming really. Seeing them like that made me feel happy, despite our current situation. A soft sigh passes my lips, Kakashi turns around somewhat to look at me and asks,

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