Chapter 14

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I closed my eyes partway with a soft sigh as Amaya rubbed the cold gel over my rounded belly, it wouldn't be much longer until our second child was with us. Hardly more than four months now, I think anyway. Kakashi was seated to my right, across from Amaya and the ultrasound machine. He was holding my hand, it was comforting, but it was clear to me he wasn't fully focused on what was happening right now. Over the past few days I had been finding more and more notes and pictures around the house, all of which have been more than unsettling. We both knew who they were from, yet Kakashi refused to talk about any of it. Whenever I try to, he'll always find a way to change the subject. 

"Alright," Amaya says with a relaxed exhale of breath, she places the transducer probe, as I was recently told it was called, on my stomach. She's silent for a moment as she moves it slightly, then she says,

"Everything seems normal, would you like to know the sex?"

I glance at Kakashi from the corner of my eye, he still had that same distant and distracted look on his face. I sighed again, it seemed like I had been doing more and more of that lately. Turning my attention back to Amaya, I reply to her,

"Yes, please." 

An almost apologetic expression is on her face as she sees Kakashi's current state, I guess even she could tell he wasn't in the right mindset right now. She gives a slight shake of her head before moving the probe again slightly and saying,

"Right, two are having a healthy baby girl this time. Congrats." 

She lifts the probe from my stomach and places it back on the machine, she then takes a towel hanging from a cart next to it and holds it out to me while saying,

"You should clean yourself up, I'll be back in a moment."

I accept the towel from her with a small smile, she nods curtly before grabbing her clipboard and leaving the room. I started to wipe off my stomach, but stop when Kakashi suddenly places his hand over mine. Giving him a confused look, I ask,

"What are you doing?"

"Let me," he replies short and simple. He takes the towel from my hand and continues to wipe off the gel from my stomach without another word. It struck me as odd, but I wouldn't strive deeper into it. He's been acting like this for a while, I figured it would be best to just let him come out of this funk on his own.


I yawned as I sat up in bed, it had been another long night for me and I was still tired. I wiped my eyes and lowered my hands only to see the spot Kakashi slept in at my side was empty. Again. It had been a month since Amaya told us the gender of our second child, and he's only been acting more and more strange. It was kind of hard to describe, but he had become more aware to every little thing. It was starting to worry me, well, I had been worried since it started, but  I'm more worried now. 

Pushing the blanket off to the side, I slowly got up and exited the room. Obito had wanted to stay the night over at Kurenai's place so he could play with Mirai, and he wouldn't be back until later. I had no idea when Kakashi would be back, so that meant I had the house to myself. At least until they came back, anyway. 

I made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, but my body practically locked up when I saw a figure sitting at the small dining table. I easily recognized the person as Hideki, how the hell does he keep sneaking into the village?

I silently went to step backwards, but stopped as he suddenly says,

"I know you're there...Hatake. There's no point in trying to slink away now."

I ignored his words and pretty much turned tail, I heard the chair he was sitting on scoot across the tile floor then fall, which I could only assume meant he was coming after me. My hands subconsciously went to my belly, that protective instinct was taking over already. I had hardly made it halfway up the stairs when I heard him at the bottom, my heart was beating frantically at this point, what do I do? There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to catch up to me in seconds, I didn't have much time to think. There's no way I'm getting to the top of the stairs before then, and I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him like his.

Damn it.

A rather loud yelp left my mouth as he easily caught up to me and grabbed my ankle, I grabbed the railing to keep myself from falling. If I fell now with how far along I am, it wouldn't be good, I don't even want to think about what would happen. My breathing was heavy and my heart was pounding loudly in my ears, he looks up at me and hisses,

"You know better than to run away from me." 

I tried to pull my ankle from his hand, but he only tightens his hold, it felt like he was going to break my ankle at any second with the force he was using. I stop and continues,

"All I came to do was see my grandson, but it seems he's not here. Where is he?"

I hardened my expression as best I could as I spit out,

"Like I'd ever tell you that, why don't you crawl back to your little hole and leave us alone?" 

I bit my tongue as I saw his face darken, if he wasn't mad before, he was now. He pulls on my ankle, only prompting me to hold on to the railing tighter, he continues pulling while saying,

"I've told you about talking back to me in that manner, now you're going to be punished. Severely." 

I felt my fingers loosing their grip on the wood, and I felt even more panic start to spread through my body, I can't believe this is happening right now. My eyes widened as my hands slid from the wood and I suddenly felt weightless, in a sense, as I felt myself falling. I braced myself for the impact, but it was worse than I thought. Because of his yanking on my ankle, I hadn't been able to balance myself even a little bit with my other leg. Which caused me to start tumbling down the steps, I felt my tumbling body brush past Hideki as I couldn't stop. My vision became darkened and fuzzy as I hit my head hard on a step, yet I kept my hands on my stomach. I hit the bottom with a thud, my body felt numb, but I could still feel all the pain and aching from that fall. 

My body actually landed in an awkward position, more uncomfortable than awkward, actually. My left arm was being squished under me, my legs were tangled together and I felt like I couldn't move them, and my right arm was spread out. I figured I must have landed on my side, I think so anyway. It was hard to tell, I faintly heard footsteps around the ringing in my ears. A blurry figure bent down and lifted my head from the floor by grabbing a handful of my hair, it was Hideki. It couldn't have been anyone else, he says softly,

"See? This is exactly what happens when you talk back to me, and I had no intention of coming here to hurt you today. This is your fault. If that baby in you is dead, you only have yourself to blame."

He lets go of my hair, causing my head to hit the floor with a painful thud. My eyes closed from their hardly open position, my vision was completely black as I passed out. 

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