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The Neverseen always struck when they were least expecting it. Whether it was at Opening Ceremonies, The Celestial Festival, or even Biana Vacker's Winnowing Gala, the Neverseen had been there. And it hadn't been easy to combat their attacks. Most of the time, they'd been caught off guard, and had to rely on Maruca Chebota's ability as a psionpath. All in all, they'd been losing. Slowly. Little by little. Like a woodpecker, slowly chipping away at the thick wood of a tree.

Sophie hadn't heard the first bomb strike. Nor had she seen the first who were fleeing, or even the smoke rising from the inside of Everglen. It had been Biana's Winnowing Gala, and Sophie couldn't go because, she just simply wasn't on the list. Although, she sat in the sweet-smelling Everglen garden, to be there as her friend's moral support. Biana burst out of the reception room, her dress tattered into flame damaged pieces. Fintan. He had miraculously escaped the cold prison they'd kept him in for years, left without a trace. They'd looked for any escape routes he could've used, but their searches ended in failure. Absolutely nothing. But, being completely abandoned by the Neverseen, they didn't think that he's go running back to them. But judging by the smoke and the pieces of charred cloth, it was safe to say Fintan was back.

"What's happening?" Sophie asked, as she ran to Biana's side.

"It's a pyrokinetic." Biana said through strained breaths.


"I'm not sure. I didn't get a good look before I ran out of the room." Biana's eyes hinted at slight guilt, but there was no time to dwell on the past. Biana hadn't seen the mysterious pyrokinetic, and they needed to get everyone out. Now.

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