6 ~ Digging deep

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Pepper let out a sob as the light drained out of Tony's eye. The infinity stones tumbles out of your hands as you went limp with shock. You tore your eyes away, instead looking down at the six rocks, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Then, it hit you like a high speed rubbish truck on a highway.

Nat was dead.

Tony was dead.

Your siblings were dead.

And your home was destroyed.

Tears flowing, you stared down at the stone. What would Tony do?

You knew what Tony would do, because he'd just done it. He'd sacrificed himself for the greater good.

So you would do the same.

Reaching out, you brushed your fingers across each infinity stone, and they lifted up into the air, levitating in a circle around you. The power stone in you circlet started to glow, and so did the other stones. You slowly stood up, feet floating of the floor.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Steve asked cautiously from the other side of the levitating infinity stones.

You smiled. "First was Loki, then Nat, then Tony, and now... now it's my turn." Your eyes brightened as you spoke. "For the greater good."

With those final words, you dove in the power of the infinity stones, the same thing your siblings had died trying to do all those years ago. There was so much, so much power, and it nearly took over you. Letting out a determined scream, you released a wave of energy towards the stones. 

Your vision went black.


"...Y/n! Wake up, c'mon. Y/n!" As the ringing in your ears disappeared, and your could finally see something other than blurs, you realised that you were lying on the floor, the concerned faces of your team looking down at you.

And not just the broken team Thanos had left. Everyone.

You looked around, a bunch of new faces present, but two people stood out the most.

"Nat! Tony!" You ran to them, throwing out your arms and hugging them tightly. "Wait." You pulled back. "Aren't you guys dead or something?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too." Nat grinned. "But you brought us back."

You were stunned. "I did?"

"I mean, that's what Spangles said, and we can't always trust the old ones." Tony pulled a face mockingly. "He's a bit delusional."

"Hey!" Steve called out.

Letting out a laugh, you hugged your two friends again. Stepping back, you reached up to your head, but your circlet was empty. Tears filled your eyes. "I did it..."

Tony patted your back. "Hell yeah you did."

"No," You locked eyes with him. "I destroyed the last stone. And sent the others back, I guess, but..." Turning around, you gazed at the massive group of people watching you. "My siblings died trying to get rid of theirs."

"Well, you are pretty badass, Y/n." Scott grinned as he hugged a dark haired female.

You laughed tearfully. "Yeah, yeah I guess I am."


A few days later, the reconstruction of the compound way underway. It was gonna be a while before things went back to normal, so Tony was letting you stay at his cabin until your home was rebuilt. It didn't take you long to figure out that you were no longer immortal, seeing as your purpose was to protect the infinity stones, and since they were all gone, you no longer had a job.

You were surprised to discover that your powers were still there, and functioned the same way they did before. You were glad that you could live and die like a normal human now, since you weren't sure you would be able to live without your new family. But for now, you were so grateful everyone was ok.

Tonight, Tony was hosting a bonfire, exclusive to the Avengers and their families, to celebrate the win. You were excited to meet the newly resurrected heroes, and hear their stories.

The first guests to arrive was Nat and Bruce, whose arm was still in a sling.

You hugged them both, and went back to the kitchen to help Pepper prepare the food.


45 minutes later, everyone was gathered around the three huge bonfires in Tony's oversized backyard. Jokes and stories were shared across the flames as you all basked in happiness.

"Hey, Tony, remember that time we had to completely disassemble your suit because you tripped and spilt your juice all over it?" Rhodey laughed at the memory.

"Hmm, really? You must really be getting old my friend because I remember you spilling the  juice not me." Tony replied.

You laughed. "Knowing you two it was probably both your faults."

"Nope," Tony shook his head. "The old boy over there just has a shit memory."

"Language." Steve automatically said, and the group roared with laughter again.

Soon, the topic of discussion turned to you.

"What did you end up doing with those spunky space rocks anyway Y/n?" Scott questioned, sipping his drink.

"Um, long story short, I destroyed the modern day power stone and send the others back to the past." You looked at the floor.

"Wait," Sam spoke up. "I've been MIA for a couple years, and correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't your powers come from the stones?"

You shook your head. "That's what I thought too, up until recently. I exist for the stones, and they crafted the universe from scratch, then created me and my five siblings to watch over them. I'm actually millions of years old, and now, since I technically don't have a purpose, I'll die like a normal person. I guess I still have my powers because I was created to have them, instead of channelling the energy from the stones, which would have killed me anyway."

"Huh..." Tony was silent for a moment, listening.

"Where are you siblings now?" The girl with the scarlet glow you'd gotten to know was Wanda asked.

Looking away and into the fire, you let out a sigh. "So, uh... you know how I destroyed the power stone? Um, my siblings tried to destroy the six stones, and didn't tell me since they wanted to protect me, but the power was too much. They were killed and I hid the stones then slept for a few million years."

"I am so sorry for asking." Wanda apologised, wrapping you in a comforting hug. It shocked you, but you quickly returned the favour as she whispered in your ear. "Thank you for bringing Vision and Pietro back."

You smiled. "Your welcome."


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