Ch. 6 | Lost

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FAST FORWARD 2 hours and I feel my collar starting to get damp. I look down, right as a drop of sweat falls to the brown sleeve of my crewneck. This small action causes me to lose focus as I hear a ding sound and Lucas yell out in delight.

"Awww shi-"

"Reina!", he yells before I can even finish the word.

"What?!" I don't get what their problem with cursing is?


"Don't act all high and mighty just because you finally won 1 game of air hockey, and it's only because I got distracted!", I retorted.

"Whatever ok?! We have dinner in 2 hours and you stink!"

"So do you! Go take a shower!"

"Fine!", he yells.

"Fine!", I yell back.

I exit the room in a rush and turn the corner. I keep walking, blinded by my rage of losing and annoyance at Lucas. Looking behind me I notice I don't recognize the hallway I'm in. Looking forward I realize I also don't know where I'm going.

Huffing in annoyance I decided to look in one of the rooms to see if anyone's there. Where the f- "You shouldn't be here." I slowly turn around, my hand still on the doorknob. "Hello, Reina."

It's one of my brothers. Oh shit. Where the hell did he come from. Creepy motherf- "Are you lost?", he says. They can't even let me curse in my thoughts?! "Uh sure yea, bye", I turn so fast I'm surprised I didn't break my ankle. As I'm speed-walking away I hear his voice again. "Dinner at 7..." I glance at him to see his finger tapping the glass of his watch as he smirks at me. This hoe- "AHH!"

I whip my head back around to see a teenager, who looks my age, dressed in a maid outfit. "Oh I'm so sorry- I'm- please don't tell anyone, I'm really sorry!" They frantically stand up, apologizing profusely. They proceed to make some futile attempts to dust me off before stopping all together. They stand there with their head low, I assume waiting for me to yell or scold them.

Raising my eyebrow, I pat them on the shoulder. They flinch from the action and slowly raise their head. "Y-your not mad?", they question. "Chill, I'm sorry. Are you ok?" They nod at me, smiling small. "Are they that bad?", I scoff. "Well...", they give me a sad smile and I nod. "Just ignore them ok? Anyways what's your name and pronouns?" They freeze, and I thought I caught them off guard, but not a second later a warm smile lights up their face and they beam at me.

"No one has cared to ask me that before! Thank you! I'm Jasper, and my p-pronouns are she/her, but most people think I'm transgender or identify
as a male because my hair is short and my name is Jasper. It makes no sense to me though because girls can have short hair and n-names aren't gender-specific!", she rambled, clapping her hands in front of her in joy.

I smiled at her, I couldn't help it. There was something about her that drew me in. I don't think it was romantic, although she was very beautiful. She had gorgeous bronzed skin, paired with a heart-shaped face and full lips. Brown freckles adorned her slightly crooked nose and high cheekbones. Like everyone though, she had her own small 'flaws', whether it was the skin discolouration around her right eye or the healing scar that ran from the fade of her right arched eyebrow to the bridge of her nose.

Her chestnut eyes were what compelled you in though, almost as if she were telling you a story with her eyes. The way you could see them fade off toward the outer rim, becoming duller as she felt more sadness and pain in the passing days. There were rare moments, like right now, where you could see them sparkle with excitement or just plain happiness. You just had to smile. There was nothing about her that you couldn't notice by staring at her for the few minutes you probably were.

Besides the anxiety. I almost didn't notice it at first. The stuttering, the fidgeting, the way she gently strokes her nose to calm herself down. My only guess would be anxiety. I could never judge her though and I certainly would also have anxiety working in a place like this. I'm not going to comment on it. I wouldn't want her to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about something she can't control. Why do I feel like she's a good person to keep around while I'm here?

"We are now friends Jaz. Can I call you Jaz? I'm calling you Jaz ok?" She nods. "Good, it's official. Anyways I'm kinda lost could you show me where the bedrooms are?" She smiles at me and nods again. "Thanks, you're a lifesaver Jaz. You know you should meet my best friend Elliot, you guys would get along so well.", I converse as our footsteps fade down the hallway.


As I'm getting dressed I think about my new friend. Jasper is such a nice person and I feel sorry for her sometimes. I learned that she has 2 little twin sisters named Ginger and Pepper and her father is in the hospital. She works here to make enough money to pay the hospital bills. I think I'll try and find a way to convince my brothers to pay for her dad's hospital bills. Aren't they

I've finished getting dressed in a brown graphic hoodie and tan cargo pants and check the time. It's 6:42 and I don't have anything else to do so I decide to go downstairs early. Good thing the stairs are next to the bedrooms.

(Reina's Outfit)

(Reina's Outfit)

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Making my way downstairs I hear voices and decide to stop. "She's definitely a loner." "Did you see her clothes?" Unidentifiable voices continue to whisper before I roll my eyes and continue making my way downstairs. As I turn the corner on the stairs I see them. Two tall, identical dudes conversing on the bottom step. One is leaned up against the railing while the other has 1 foot propped against the bottom step with the other on the ground.

When they see me they immediately stop talking, stiffen their posture and cross their arms. This is when I recognize one of the brothers as Marco, the weirdo I saw in the hallway. The other one I don't remember. I continue walking right through the middle of them, not look back. I can feel them staring holes into the back of my head.

Walking into the dining room I see the rest of my brothers sitting around the table waiting. Anthony is at the head of the table, doing paperwork. Anthony and Lucas are on their phones on either side of him. I walk in slowly and sit down next to Lucas. He looks at me and smiles. "Hey Reina, you're a bit early." "Yea.", I give him a small smile and look straight in front of me. "Reina." It's my older brother. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Yes Dan?", I say, just to piss him off. He narrows his eyes at me. Oh boohoo, I know you're not that butthurt. "We have something to discuss while you're here early-"

He gets cut off by the doorbell echoing through the house. He sighs and stands up. "Stay here." What else am I supposed to do? A couple of minutes later he comes in with a man and a boy who kinda looks like-

Your shitting me bro.

Dante begins speaking. "Reina this is my business partner, Salvatore and his son-"

"What the fuck?"


Damn I mean I kinda feel bad for y'all...I haven't updated in likeee....idek

Anyways hope you enjoyed, it's gettin juicy next chapter!

1307 words

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