Ch. 7 | Knife

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WHAT THE FUCK?! Dante paused mid-sentence glaring at me. I ignored him and glared at the boy standing in front of me. The room went dead silent.

"Reina.", he said with a smirk. Everyone turned to him.
"Matteo...", I seethed, venom lacing my voice. Attention diverted back to me, everyone was highly confused.

"What? No, 'oh Matty I love you!', I kinda miss it!", he mimicked, tilting his head to the side teasingly. Some gasps could be heard as heads turned back and forth simultaneously.

"Why don't you feed your own ego? I don't have time for your bullshit!", I spat. If you can't tell already I absolutely despise him.

"You used to have plenty of time for my bullshit! What happened Reina?", he continued teasing me. He already knew the answer to that question.

I opened my mouth to retaliate but was silenced by a loud voice. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" It was my eldest brother. His face held an expression one could only describe as impatient and irritated. Not taking my eyes off Matteo, I slowly lowered myself into my seat.

Once he had recovered from his outburst he pointed a finger between the two of us. "Someone kindly explain how you two are acquainted?", he questioned, sounding completely fed up. I finally tore my eyes off the parasite and looked at Dante, my glare never faltering. "He's just-", I started. "She's my ex-girlfriend. Of 2 years might I add.", he cut me off and smirked. No this hoe didn't... "Best 2 years of her life I bet. Did you know I was her first-"

(Tw/ blood) look for **

I cut him off and shot out of my seat, swiping a steak knife from the table. "Listen here you conceited, egocentric, self-obsessed prick." I took a step towards him after every word until I was right in front of his face. The point of the knife pierced the tip of his nose, allowing for the well known scarlet substance to drip from the contact point onto his pristine black suit. As I pressed harder, more drops fell, deepening the stain. I smiled, my voice low and threatening as I began whispering. "If I hear a word of our previous relations exit your mouth, I won't hesitate to cut a bitch. And you know I can do it...Matty.


"Yes ma'am...", he whispered. Then he smiled...a wicked smile. A smile that could have 50 girls falling at his feet. A smile that would have thousands running for the hills. Me? It just made me laugh. Always has...always will. I turned and walked back to my seat. I could feel him watching my every move. Every single one.

"Can I just say-" Thud* My knife had somehow embedded itself into the wall right next to his head. He brought a hand up to his left ear and cursed under his breath. "Don't be rude...Dante has something to say." I turned towards Dante, finally remembering the others in the room. Even still, the tense atmosphere remained. I noticed in my peripheral, Marco and Cameron whispering to each other and nodding.

Dante drew in a breath and started speaking. "I don't know what's going on between you two, but-"

"Hey, guys! Sorry, I'm late." Dante groaned and collapsed in his seat, completely giving up.

Gio walked in, skateboard in hand, a confused look on his face. "Yo, what's with the gloomy moods? Why is Matt bleeding?" All heads turned to me and I shrugged. "Whatever doesn't matter. Is the food ready?" His eyes it up when he said the word 'food'.

Somehow everyone regained their posture and sat down. Salvatore eyed me and Matteo was wiping his nose with a napkin. I think this will be a great birthday dinner. Speaking of which, let's see how long it take them.


I know these hoes didn't adopt me but forget my birthday. The kitchen maids are collecting the dishes from the table and everyone is conversing with each other. I sit silently looking at everyone. Not one "happy birthday" or "sorry for ruining your birthday" Not even a "sorry for your loss" What the hell is wrong with these people?!

"So Reina.", Dante says to me, making a couple of heads turn. "What?", I reply. He gives me a look at my tone but I return the look.
"Meet me in my office after the table is cleared. We have something to disc-" "No.", I interrupted. Everyone turned to me.

"No?" His voice turned dark. I'm shaking in my boots.
"Yea I gotta...piss" I have to cry. "Make it quick...", and with that, I'm up and out of the room.

These dumb hoes forgot my birthday. This is why I don't wanna be here. I just want to go see my family and go back home. Also, why is that bitch Matteo here? Is this where he abandoned me to? Can I die?

"No your a bad bitch...", I whisper to myself. I wipe my tears and smile in the mirror. "Bad bitch...yes. You don't take shit from no one." I sigh and my smile falls. Where's dad when I need him? "I can't do this- this is too much..."
I finally get ahold of myself and clean my face. Practising my smile one more time before hesitantly exiting the bathroom.

Making my way through the hallways, I find a maid carrying a neatly folded suit. She politely gives me directions to Dante's office and I make my way there slowly. I knock on the door and hear a loud "Come in!" I open the door to see a ghastly sight.

Matteo was still here...and is sitting in Dante's office with a smirk on his face. How terrible...this truly is the worst day. "Absolutely not. Why is he HERE?!" I point an accusing finger at him in saying so. "Reina sit down." He has his hands folded on the dark oak desk and a tired look in his vapid eyes.

"I'm not sitting next to him.", I say, crossing my arms. I can't even stand to fucking look at him. "Reina please just sit down." He gestures to the chair, putting his head in his hand. Almost feeling bad I sit in the chair. I don't dare look at Matteo and keep my eyes trained on Dante.

"Now I want you to pay attention. We have something important to discuss."


Here's an update! Hope you enjoy it, sorry for updating so far apart...

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