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Mr. Hegde- so now you know that he is alive , so..( he was cut by aash )
Aashna- da...dad who?
Mr. Hegde- that stupid jerk Sanket Mehta !! ( irritatedly)


Aashna's pov- hearing dad's sentence,  my breath stooped for a sec but then it felt relieved and happy that MY SANKU is alive !!! All these days i cried for him abd now i couldn't believe my ears !! I zoned out for a sec , my love is alive !!! Can you hear me scream ??? MY SANKU US ALIVE !!!! BUT WHERE IS HE ?? I WANT HIM !!! WITH ME !

mnv's pov- ok waht ??? What Mr. Hegde saud was true ?? I can't believe my ears !!! Is ge really alive ?? My sanku is alive ?? This means mmv never lost his sanku !!! BUT WHERE IS HE ??

Ashi's pov-  Mr. Hegde's words are still echoing in my ears , i cant believe what he said !! Bhai is alive !!! I knew it ,ge can never leave is alone !!! BUT WHERE IS HE ?

Unnati's pov- i knew it !! I knew he is alive !!! He will never leave us !!! My sanku boi is still there , still fighting!! BUT WHERE IS HE ???

While everyone was busy in their thoughts akash silently made an exit and left the mansion !!

Mr. Hegde - .......

To be continued
Ad- not showing tk's pov because i am the happiest today , isliye there will be a SPECIAL SATAN CHAPTER , soon !!!💜

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