Operation Able Archer

874 20 6

Leon Ivanov, KGB

[REDACTED], Colorado

November 9, 1983

Perseus was right about one thing: Today, we will shape the world. We will safe it or die trying. This is our destiny. Fighting in a war that most people will never know about, that no child will read about in the history books.

We get our hands dirty and sacrifice ourselves so that others won't have too.

"Any idea who told Perseus about Operation Able Archer?" I ask Park while we watch over the cliff, looking down at the bunker complex below. It's quite dark but thanks to the lights of the bunker entrance and our night vision goggles we see enough.

Since the details of Able Archer is only known to a handful of people, Park made the call not to tell her superiors at the CIA and MI6. So no one has warned the guards in the bunker, poor bastards. On the other hand, what are a handful of lifes against billions? Sadly, such decisions have to be made in our line of work. We couldn't risk Perseus finding out.

"Did you spot them yet?" I ask Park.

"No." she says and takes her goggles of, looking at me. "You know, today the world could end."

"I know that, no need to remind me." I sigh. Talking about it only makes me more nervous.

"I just... wanna say that I really did love you. And still do."

I stare at her. "... What?" I ask dumbfounded. "Still?"

"You personality... it's not so much different now than it was back then. I loved you for that and I guess that's why I still do." she says. "You have ideals, you are not afraid to speak your mind...."

"Why are you telling me this?" I interrupt her.

"... Just in case the world ends today, I wanted you to know." She looks back down at the entrance.

Not gonna lie, I'm feeling a little flustered right now. "This is ridiculous." I mutter.

But Parks heard me. "Love isn't rational, I'm afraid. Trust me, I tried to get rid of these feelings as well."

I'm about to reply when I notice several people emerging from a gully. At least six of them, all dressed in black and their heads covered in masks. They then shoot the lights at the entrance and the two guards at the gate are shot. As the infiltrators get to work on the heavy doors, Parks checks in over the radio. "Woods are you and the others in position?"

"We're ready. Just say the word."

"Good, we're going in after them." Park, Sims, Portnova and me will deal with the intruders while the rest of the team has prepared them a nasty surprise.

When we reached the now open doors, Park checks in one more time, since we will have no connection down there. "We are going in. Shut them down."

"AAAAAAnd done." I hear Powers over the radio.

"Kill these sons of bitches." Woods says and the hangs off.

We advance forward, making our way to the launch control center. Thanks to the maps we have studied at the compound, we know where it is and arrive just in time to see the operatives open the door with the ID scan of a dead soldier. Once the door is open, they kill the two operatives inside. "Stand down, this concludes the exercise." I hear a voice over the phone saying.

"Perseus sends their regards." says the leader in response.

"What? Hey, who are you?!" the voice yells but the leader cuts the line and then presses the red button.

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