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They next morning went just as expected. As I was making breakfast, Park comes into the kitchen. Her hair is a mess and she holds her head. "Urghh... "

I can't help but be amused. "Yeah, I know. Have some water." I give her a glass.

"Thank you." She gulps it down in a single move. "Hey... did I do something stupid yesterday?"

I shrug. "Oh you just stripped naked and then started kissing me all over." Her eyes widen in shock for a moment before I grin. "Ha! You should see your face right now!"

She responds by hitting me in the shoulder. "You arse!" That's her first response but she too finds it amusing afterwards. "Okay but seriously, what did I do?"

I tell her about what she said and that she kissed my cheek when I carried her to bed. She still blushes. "Sorry for doing that."

"Hey, nothing happened. It's alright." I assure her. She thanks me with a smile and nod. "You want some tea?"

"Love to."

She takes a sip and I cannot help but ask. "As good as english tea?"

She laughs. "No, not quite."

"Then perhaps you have to try out one of our famous tea houses here in Moscow. I argue we Russians love tea almost as much as the English.

She raises an eyebrow at me. "Agent Ivanov, did you just asked my out on a date?"

"It's not a date if I invite the others." I quickly point out. As much as I would like this to be a date, it is far too early to trust her again.

"Ah that sounds lovely too. I'm interested to get to know them."

I pat her shoulder with a smile "Don't worry. We'll make a good comrade out of you yet, my dear."

Park did indeed enjoy the tea. Most of the others however are no fans of the beverage. Park does some small talk but it seems to be going nowhere. So after a while, she stands up and addresses them all. "I know you don't trust me and you do not have too. I will do my best to help you in the hunt against Perseus, as I always have. I... won't be the most easy person to work with. Leon knows why."

"You sill blame yourself for being 'naive' back then?" I ask.She is referring her old partner, Madame Shell, who left her with that nasty scar across her neck.

"I was." she insist. "So I... just wanted to warn you."

The others exchange glances but nod. "We will keep an open mind." Garcia says.

"Thank you." Park says and sits down again. This time, the conversation go much easier with the tension now out of the way.

"We might have stopped Perseus but he is still out there and knowing him, he will be planning his next move." I tell them.

"So what do you recommend?" Powers asks me.

"We should deal with Perseus best agents that are still alive. That would be 'Wraith' and 'Knight'." I think I have a pretty good idea where to start looking...."

After our little brunch, I talk to Portnova alone. "Hey... can we talk?"

"About Park, hm?" she says, he tone neutral.

"Yes. We both know that we have feelings for each other and her return..."

She interrupts me with a hand gesture. "I understand, you two have history. But keep it professional."

That surprises me. "You are... no jealous?"

"I have no right to be. We are not in a relationship and you are not some piece of property that me and Park can fight over. Most importantly, the state comes before all relationships... no matter how much I like you." She said the last part in sadness.

"Wow that... that is very mature of you." I tell her.

"Of course, we are all adults here. But I must warn you, don't get into a relationship with Park. Again."

I nod and try to ease her mind. "There is no guarantee that we will. And like you said, we shouldn't get romantically involved with out team members."

She raises an eyebrow. "I hope you keep that attitude. And just to let you know, I will not hesitate to kill Park if she betrays us. Will you?"

I think about that for a moment. I want to say no but deep down I know that I probably can't should this scenario happens. So I answer honestly. "I hear you but... I don't know if I can do it."

She sighs. "I was afraid of that. But I am glad you are honest."

A long pause ensures. "So... we're good."

She smiles gently. "We have been close friends for years now. Of course we are."

"You know... you are a lot like Park. That's why I like you so much."

"Oh? Then I am sure we will go along great." she says and follows the others. I am very glad that this is sorted but I cannot help but wonder. Will it really be that easy? Will I really fall back in love with Helen? Only time will tell.

AN: I will be doing a separate book about Bell's and Parks mission with the KGB. It will have two parts, one where they sill hunt for Perseus and his allies and another where they do missions after that goal is completed. It will also include some more private and intimate scenes between our two favorite spies (mature content).

Stay tuned for the finale!

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