Remember Me

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Cold air passed through your hair,
Waving them away.
Flutters oh long eyelashes,
The rich color of your locks,
All take my heart away.

Tender feet walks a road,
Of thorns and kankars.
Loamy soil stick to your feet,
Watery grass gives them peace,
A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Out of all spots, why here?",
I felt my tongue say.
"For me or it's for that tear?",
My lips quirked themselves in smile,
How can I be so blind?

Your smile widened a bit,
Gaze was soft silk, a
'Remember me' left your lips.
The ground beneath me shuddered,
My heart did skipped a beat.

How he intonate it?
Command or question?
Or was it a deep request?
The image started to break,
My heart was left in pain.

I could never knew that.
Those alluring rich hair,
That soft and loving smile.
So startled I woke up,
But loving voice of flute stayed.

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