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M: come here * hugs y/N* listen to me......I like You but not like I've liked someone I love you, you put everyone before you....and.....your so beautiful you see.....I was worried cause even though we didn't talk I still do like you when someone hurts you the only know something .. 'll kill for you no matter what, your dad ( y/N. giggles) Tu eres mi todo y no Puedo Vivir sin ti amor

Alvaro pov

A: god what are they doing imma go check up on Mattia I'll be right back 

them: okay 

Samantha pov

s: why is she taking so long damn, Samantha got up and ran into Alvaro, they add a little conversation, then they both went to the toilet and heard Mattia talking they both burst in laugher.


A: okay they're taking too much 

s. you're right, at my 3 we open the door and drag them out 

A: okay

S: ......1.......2......3. go 

Y/N pov

y/N: Samantha 

s: yes ma'am

M: Alvaro?

A: yes sir 

M: what is yall doing here 

S: shut up mister hot guy 

Y/N: Sam!!!

S: let's go home before that crazy psychopath  starts looking for me 

M: What is she talking about ?

Y/N: come to my mansion, okay and here take this, or my guard won't let you in because of security

Y/N: come to my mansion, okay and here take this, or my guard won't let you in because of security

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JERSEY GUN ~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now