he came back

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The following day I was at the mall to get i don't even know I was just looking around when I saw a tall guy who kept following me , so i took my car keys out of my purse and stormed out of the mall and went straight to my car , i started driving to my house i thought I lost him but when I got home I ran upstairs to my room and saw....

We don't talk about BRUNO NO NO NO

It was my wedding day....

It was Mattia Polibio ..........the only Mattia Polibio i stared at him in shock and said
Y/n: what are you doing here....... in my
house ??
M: stop asking  silly questions, you know you can't run away from me and all the Mafia stuff
Y/n : who said i was running away ?
M: could you please stop and sit for a second , mattia said while pointing at the edge of the bed .
Y/n: i can stand thank.you
M: i said sit
Y/n: fine .
She kept her house keys and car keys on top of her desk and sat
M: listen i came hear to apologize and to take you back to Jersey, you know I can't do all the work by my self , and my father said that if he doesn't see you in one month time is going to look for you kill you and look for someone to replace you and i don't want that to happen so please I'm sorry for shutting your so called boyfriend who was trying to SNITCH on you being in the Mafia.

Y/n: So let's start with the fact that I have never hated anyone like I  hate you, the thing that bothers me even more is the fact that you got stuck in my fucking head, every argument has to do with you , but your being chico malo would say you're just "jealous" "obsessed" no love no everything except that, you know if I had argued with people such as katie / madi it wouldn't make me hot or cold because I don't have many pleasant memories with them, but with you I have had memories most of the memories make me angry just at the thought while only 3 pleasant memories have remained etched in my head, you don't know how much I would like to slap you punch or see you suffer badly but like terrible, but at the same time, no, why don't you try to put aside your stupid a pride once in a while why don't you try to put yourself in other people's shoes ? Do you realize what comes out of your fucking mouth? Not everyone wants to be insulted by some shit like you, not everyone wants to be called a bitch / whore and your answer is always I'm kidding , there is a bang of ways to joke okay and this is all but joking I keep on ask me why then only with me call your besty whore / bitch / calls the so-called girl you are talking with ? . And just to clarify, sir, I can't be the only one to say that like everyone ok, you want to know the truth of everything but like everything, fuck yes   you are a peace shit that probably uses people to get to others.
I never liked hugs until I hugged you for the first time ,that is the first time we went out together, and you don't give a fuck but okay I don't know what I did to you but I can't care less, I don't care how much you can call me a fake, because if you don't tell people your secrets try to protect you and help you when you're literally dying is to be fake then fuck yeah I'm a fake Madonna MATTIA and I'm done with all your bullshit , do you even know what it mean to suffer like me , no of course you fucking don't , you asshole

M: hey hey i said I'm sorry gosh

Y/n: no your not sorry, the fuck

M: you know some I've never looked at a girl the way i looked at you the first time we hugged it felt like forever remember when we were only 13 year old the kiss i gave you in the neck ? I did it cause i fucking did love you i had girlfriends and never did that you see you were my best friend you were my everything...... I then started to like this girl named jasmine and i couldn't help but staying with her , you moved school and we stopped talking i even forgot your face until at the age of 16 i saw a girl who looked like you but not in a school i saw this beautiful girl in a mafia training area i saw her shooting like there was no tomorrow and when she looked at me i felt like dying when you told me at your birth day that you used to love me but I didn't so you became heartless , i couldn't help but leave, you probably didn't know but I used to take pills because I used to get mad easily and know I'm here. with you , with this prescious girl that i love from the bottom of my heart

Y/n: mattia i......

M: nah you good i understand if you don't want to forgive me for only thinking about my self .....but please come with....

Y/n: mattia when did your dad tell you dad

M: like a month ago....

Y/n :listen i-




JERSEY GUN ~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now