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U got in ur car, u stopped at Starbucks, u where getting inside but u ran into someone
#: u okay Mamacita
Y/n: Cállate
U got up and saw Mattia
Mattia: so you speak Spanish *smirk*
Y/n: just leave me alone
Mattia: can't you keep your mouth shut, just close ur mouth and let me help u out
He Helps u out and takes u in
U kinda thought that he was cute
Mattia: hello?? ma what do u want
Y/n: no answer
Mattia: *whisper to ur ear* listen I'm not going to repeat myself twice
Y/n: A coffee with wiped cream
Mattia got u ur drink and u guys headed out.

Mattia: so wanna go ride *smirked*
Y/n: I could do that all day just not with u

Mattia: well at least Cynthia is not a whore like u

Y/n: what did u call me

Mattia: my bad

Y/n: u little bitch don't talk to me never again and I don't want to see u ever again, u let a tear-out (so dramatic for no reason)

And ran to ur car.

So Mattia and y/n ad one nightstand some years before she moved to NJ.

U got in and started crying u got home and ran to ur room u cried yourself asleep,u then woke up at Derek jumping in ur bed

Y/n: Omg stop it and leave me alone

D: Clare somethings up with y/n come to check on her!!!

C: coming!!
C: hey u good

Y/n: not really...
C: what's wrong?
Y/n: I think I might like Mattia
(Girl your kidding right)
C: wait who what
💨In Clare mind 💨
What did he say?
💨End of thought 💨
Y/n: yep u heard me right
C: Ayana!!!
Y/n: she's not at home dumbass
C: well u no we and Mattias gangs are rivals so I don't know what to tell you, plus the girls called they want to go to the mall with u
Y/n: ok let me just go get a shower and dress then I'll call them
C: k see u

💨Y/n Pov💨
I was really tired but I had to go so I took a shower then got dressed

💨Y/n Pov💨I was really tired but I had to go so I took a shower then got dressed

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"Ok so I'm ready I guess "

D: hurry up I don't want them to stay
Dev: Hey girl, how are u,u look like fire
*Some girls u met at school*
Anna: ur hot as hell
Michel: ok so let's go, y'all taught I was going to say something no thanks, she knows how hot she looks no need to tell her
Y/n: rude
Y'all laughed

Y/n: ok let's go, are we taking my car or ur car

Anna: ur car
Y/n: ok

💦MATTIA pov💦
I was at the mall with my girlfriend and some friends, we were super hungry so we went to chick fill a
As we got there I saw Y/n with some girls, she saw me and smirked. I just looked away I saw her going to the restroom
M: I'm gonna go to the restroom
C: ok
Alv: ok
So as I got in I saw y/n
💦End pov💦

JERSEY GUN ~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now