D:y/n wake your ass up we have to go! Y/n: go where D: so you don't remember we are leaving today Y/n: omg I forgot Imma dress and come downstairs "Y/N TAUGHT" Omg I'm so happy, I don't know why we have to move to Jersey but who cares right, well I'm talking too much, Imma take a shower ,get dressed, and do my makeup, *sights* you got this y/n "END THOUGHTS " A/C: Y/N ARE YOU DONE Y/n: yes I'm coming V: hurry up Y/n: ok I'm here now let get to the airport cause I'm starving D: is going to take like an hour Y/n: you know some Imma Just grab some snacks. V: ok but hurry up
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This is your outfit
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This is what you got
C: y/n fast were waiting. You guys got to the airport and waited for 2 more hours then your flight was called you guys got on the airplane and you took this pic
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Y/n_baddiegirl: Jersey I'm coming Vallykpena: sleep Cause you're not sleeping when we get home Y/n_baddiegirl replied to vallykpena: don't care Derek Trendz:y/n you know I love you so shut up Y/n_baddiegirl liked this comment User57894322: omg she's coming to NJ Hater: she's so ugly I don't wanna see her in NJ Y/n _baddiegirl replied to hater: just close your eyes and everything will be good 😘 15k more comments The next day D:y/n wake up we're here Y/n: oh ok You guys called a Uber and headed home