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I AM SO SORRY. Ok...those were 2 little stories I wanted to share. But they do not have anymore to them...but here's another one-shot-idea-thing. Yes, the title is for this and the chapter :)

The Institute was crowded, and Thomas tried to find James. It was rather frustrating that he could only see the tops of people's heads. He searched for James' raven hair. They had come into the grounds together...but he was nowhere to be seen now. Matthew appeared at his side, looking worried. "James is in danger. I know it." Just as he said it, a voice boomed from the edge of the institute. "SILENCE!" I am Slief (keyboard smash) and I have come to take what is due to me. A seraph blade was thrown at him, but it went back, prevented by a wall between them and the Institute. Thomas felt himself being thrown into darkness and came back into consciousness near the demon, outside the Institute. James, Matthew, Christopher, Lucie and Cordelia were all beside him, unarmed. There were shouts from inside the Institute but the shadowhunters couldn't force their way out.

Slief looked at all of them. "You killed my brother, or stood by as my brother was killed." Thomas frowned. "Demons don't have brothers." Slief turned towards him in rage and tried to slap him, but the blob passed right through. "We were friends, as close as brothers, he was my brother, and then Hypatia trapped him in that infernal Pyxis...he told me he got out, and a minute later...gone. In another world. I cannot go there." The blob looked like he might cry. But he screamed, "I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE." The blob grew in height, towering over them. "My brother offered you wishes, he would do your bidding. In return, I will expose your worst fears. Your biggest regrets. Shown to the people you wish wouldn't see it."

Beside Thomas, Matthew paled visibly. (takes a deep breath)The demon tilted its head and looked at him. "I think we know who's going first..." There was a flash of light. Someone in the Institute cried out in pain and disbelief. Charlotte. Thomas wondered if she was okay, hoped she was okay, but he could not shift his gaze from Matthew, whose eyes were wide and shining. Cordelia reached out a hand and held his, looking worried.

The blob turned to Lucie next. She stood, her head held high (like the queen she is) and stepped forward. Matthew jerked his head up and looked at her in surprise, blinking in surprise. There were tears in his eyes, but Thomas didn't think they were from Lucie's secret. Lucie was smiling slightly, unusually calm.

The blob ignored her and turned to Thomas. Thomas turned back to the Institute, not knowing what his biggest regret or fear, his biggest secret was. The blob mumbled, "You lot are so boring." (this demon is so clueless)

The blob turned to James next. Cordelia flinched, as if she was reliving an old and painful memory. She didn't meet James' eyes. When it was her turn, suddenly, the wall separating them from the Institute broke. Thomas knew, because he had been leaning on it. He stumbled and nearly fell. Realizing the walls were gone, the shadowhunters started attacking the demon with seraph blades, and it disappeared, moaning something about Lilith. 

They were all being surrounded by family and friends. Charlotte was coming towards Matthew, who looked like he wished the floor would swallow him up. Will and Tessa were hugging Lucie, reassuring her and asking her questions. Thomas saw his parents and smiled as they hugged him, and Eugenia ask him if he was okay. After assuring his family that he was fine, he felt himself being dragged away. He turned in surprise, and found someone glaring at him. Alastair. Thomas whispered, "What did you see?"
"Who said I saw anything?"
Thomas waited patiently. "Ok, fine. I saw myself walking away from you. How is that your biggest regret! You did nothing." Thomas nodded, and whispered, "Exactly. I did nothing. I let you walk away and I told you nothing. I did nothing to stop you. And that was my mistake, my regret. Because I...IloveyouandIdidn'twantyoutoleave. Because it is with you I feel safest, Alastair." Alastair's expression was unreadable. "Are you done?", he asked. Speechless at his reaction, Thomas nodded. "Good," whispered Alastair softly, and kissed him hesitantly. Not caring that his family was right behind him, that his friends were there, that half the shadowhunters of London were watching, Thomas kissed him back.


Matthew was in shock. He was in shock when he heard his mother scream, when he learned Lucie had known about his feelings for Cordelia before he had known, when the walls fell away, and when he felt his mother hugging him, crying. He had not been hugged by her like this, not since he was a little boy. He was still in shock when he hugged her back, wondering if this was all a dream. It seemed unreal that his biggest secret had been exposed, something he had kept hidden for years. Charlotte drew back and looked at him, still crying. She told him firmly, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. I saw...I felt your regret. You should have told me...but it's okay, it's okay Matthew." 
Was it possible to have your biggest fear and biggest want could happen on the same day? To be scared and happy at the same time? Matthew knew it was so as he hugged his mother wordlessly. Over her shoulder, he saw something that was surprising, but he could work up no anger about Thomas and Alastair kissing. He was so happy to be forgiven, to have the weight of guilt and secrets of years being lifted that he could not be angry, or sad.


"James." He turned around. Cordelia was looking at him, arms crossed. He had not spoken to her since she had returned from Paris this morning. "I saw you with Grace, at our house. That isn't your biggest secret because I saw you...didn't you know I had seen you?" James shook his head, "I knew. That...that was my biggest regret, not my biggest secret. Cordelia closed her eyes. She saw James with Grace, entwined on the doorstep, and shook her head. "I...I cannot. You have always loved her, and that means...it means you could never love me. Goodbye James.", before James could say anything, she turned and left.

Hope you liked it, please tell me your thoughts below! I'll do a follow up for James and Cordelia next chapter, but it might be short because this one is longer than usual.

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