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"Oh my God ... Nana what should I do "
I screamd throwing myself on the bed aggressively...

I just wanted to dig a hole in the middle of nowhere and burry myself forever at that moment ..

Nana looked at me with concern in her eyes then placed her expensive bag on the table and joined me on the bed ...

"What happened momo chan did they call again ?" questioned Nana with her soft voice ..

"Yess they said if I didn't pay the rent next week I will be kicked out ...and because am too lucky that's not the only problem I have now"

Nana's eyes widened in worry

"What is it did something happen?!"

I sat up and scratched my head with anger ...

"My scholarship is taken down because I had a fight and I should pay at the end of the month to continue as a student here in japan "

Nana grabbed my shoulders so I can face her ..I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what she is about to say..

"Momo chan I will pay both the rent and your University so please don't refuse these time... "

"Over my dead body "
I responded taking her arms off my shoulders ...

"Come on momo chan what are friends for if they don't help each other at such time "

"I said no "

Nana slammed my forehead

"You're so stubborn"

"Awch that hurts"

I complained touching my forehead...

It's been 3 years since I got this scholarship I didn't think twice before leaving my country and all the horrible memories I had there behind

here in japan I had my first bestie ever .I smiled remembering how me and Nana met the first time ...


The subway was so crowded that day ...everyone was minding their own business but something caught my sight ...

There was a man at the corner near me standing behind a young girl and grabbing her butt from time to time.

I took my headphones off and turned my camera on taking a pic of his ugly old face ...

"Hey what the hell are you doing"

He shouted trying to take my phone and boom he received a harsh kick in his private area ....

"What an asshole"

I whispered looking at his lying body on the ground screaming in pain ....

"Thank you so much "
I heard A soft voice saying ...it was the girl ...

"No need ...are you okay "

"Yes am fine"

We both smiled at each other and since that incident we didn't spend a day without talking ....Nana was the beautiful and rich friend she even was a CEO of a modeling agency at such a young age I mean she is just 25 ..and I was the broke one and the troublemaker obviously but it didn't affect our friendship tbh ...

End of flashback

Nana was insisting to help with paying my rent but I didn't want to take advantage of her ....god am really screwed up ...

"I have an idea !"

Nana's excited voice interrupted my thoughts

I Questioned ..

"This morning a music record company called and they need a model for a music video think about it you can earn a lot of cash in such a short time"

"Are you crazy am not a model I never was I don't even know how to pose like a human "
Did she lost her brain cells...

"It's just a script work by it and act normal that's it ...am gonna tell them that you model for my agency and no one will find out"

"Nonono I can't do that what if they find out am not a real model your agency is gonna be in trouble "

"Then am going to pay your fucking University and rent and your gonna shut the f up "
My eyes went wide I never seen Nana cursing and angry before ...

I thought deeply about the offer maybe it's not a bad idea after all ...I have no choice anyways ...

"Okey am in I accept the offer "

Nana started clapping her hands excitedly and hugged me tight ...

"Okey am going to set a meeting for you with the music company am so happy for youuu momo chan "


To be continued...


This is my first english fanfic for die I hope you like it☆゚.*・。゚(๑¯◡¯๑)

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