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"It's fine just tell them that you don't want to do it ...I will go pay the rent and your University "

Said Nana on the phone ...

I stood there silent thinking ...


"Nana I will do it "
I responded ...

"Huh ? what do you mean ...what if he hurts you or tries to make a problem "
Asked Nana

"Nana chan don't worry you know me ..if he tries to do something I will snatch his hair out with my hands"
I responded trying to act confident ...

"Alright good luck then "


I left the bathroom feeling a little better ...

"I accept to do it "
In the moment that I said that die looked at me surprised as if he didn't expect it ...

I smirked signing the contract everyone was happy to hear that seeing the smiles that appeared on their faces ...

"We will start shooting this Thursday so make sure to come early"
Said the staff before he left the room taking the signed contract with him ...

"I think that we should all have a drink together celebrating our new music video ...what do you think momo chan? "

Asked toshiya ...

I looked at die and he was talking with shinya I don't wanna be near him anymore. ..

"Uhm am so sorry I already promised my bestfriend"
I responded ..

"Fine you can invite her too "
Kaoru interrupted and all the others nodded in agreement I stayed silent for a moment thinking about some excuses to make ..

"I'll take that as a yes ...give me your number I will send you the address so we will meet tonight "
Toshiya snatched the phone between my hands and asked me to open it as I did he started typing his number and then called it from my phone ...

"Done...here is your phone "


"I brought you a nice dress to wear tonight since I know that my dear friend is a tomboy"

I looked at the black dress Nana got me and smiled she's right I never wear dresses for some reason I don't even own one ...

"Thank you Nana chan"
I hugged her ...

We both got ready and Nana looked fantastic with her short hair and pink dress ...and to be honest I didn't look bad too I mean that dress looked kinda cool...


And here we are at a bar in Tokyo city ...

This was the first time I went to a bar here in japan probably because I hate crowded places ...

We saw toshiya coming toward us and in that moment I saw Nana's cheeks going pink well I guess someone fall in love at the first sight ...

We tried moving between the dancing bodies closer to toshiya ...

"Hello momo chan I see that you have a pretty partner with you "

And just like he did to me first time he kissed her hand looking at her eyes... what a flirty men :')...

"My name is Nana "
She smiled to him

"Am toshiya nice to meet you Nana chan "
He ended his sentence with a wink ...I kept starring at the romantic movie playing in front of me with a cringed face when Kyo joined me ...

"Uh I think that you're friend just got fished "

Whispered Kyo jokingly...

" Yeah... I think that too "
I whispered back ..

"Guys let's  join the others "
They both stopped starring at each other and nodded at Kyo ...

On our way I was talking random stuff with Kyo. And toshiya was with Nana ..

"You look nice in that dress by the way "
I blushed at kyo's words and smiled...

"You look nice too kyo Kun"
I mean yeah the outfit he was wearing is fire ...

We smiled at each other then entered this area where the others was ...

The first that cought my eyes is die for some reason he was wearing a shirt that showed most of his chest and collar bone ...I almost forgotten myself staring at him and noticed he was looking too ...

God what is happening to me ...


To be continued ...

( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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