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I jumped out of bed as I heard my alarm ringing ...

Today am going to  the record company .

just remembering that made my stomach hurt ..

I had a Quick shower then  dressed up and even  put some makeup for that "everything is gonna be fine just relax" I whispered to my mirror  reflection .

it was pretty early when I left my apartment the streets were almost empty and I liked it ...

the cold wind playing with my long hair while walking in tokyo's empty streets ...

Everytime am lonely like that my mind  goes back to my family I wish that my mom and dad where alive to wish me luck at this moment .i miss them ...

I thought about buying my favourite drink to destress me a bit ...I always drink strawberry milkshake in moments like that since I was young ...

I entered a store and went straight to the drinks sections my eyes traveling between the products looking for my lovely strawberry milkshake box ...

I found it !

it was the last one there  I tried to reach it when somebody took it ...

I looked at the guy and couldn't hide my anger ...

He was a tall dude with sunglasses and a mask  hiding his features and super long blonde died hair ...god his hair is prettier than mine but coming back to my strawberry milkshake that he just kidnapped ...

"Hey that's mine"

His eyes traveled between me and the milkshake ...

"Your name is not written on the box"

He said and  left  me mouth open ...
That asshol at first kidnapped the love of my live and then humiliated me 

I noticed at the floor an ID  card..

  it is  probably his I took it and run out of the store  to follow him

"Hey wait a sec your ...heyyy"

He didn't even  turn around  and kept walking away ...

I looked at the id card reading his name ...

"Andou daisuke! "

I called his name loud enough for him to hear me and i guess he did ...

He Quickly turned around and in one seconds he was in front of me grabbing my wrist and pulling me somewhere ... at first kidnapping the milkshake and now kidnapping me nice :') ...

We stopped at some dark empty  corner i already got myself   ready to kick him and run...

"Are you one of my fans "

He said before taking off the mask and glasses showing his handsome face It took me few seconds to remember that this men is evil he took my favourite drink ever   ...

I rolled my eyes ...

"Who do you think you are freaking Brad Pitt huh ?"

I had already enough of his rudeness ..

"Then why are you following me and calling my fucking name in the middle of the streets"
He shouted back at me ...my blood was boiling at this moment.  

"You left your  freaking I'd card at the store and I called you to take it back ...sorry I wasn't fan girling over your stupid ass "

I gave  him the id card and left him there frozen I didn't mean to be that rude with him but he just was so annoying ...

Oh my God the meeting !

I looked at the watch and thank God there is some time left ...


To be continued ...



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