Chapter 3

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(Not the same Len, just his and Rin's school uniform)

Len had his nose stuck in Weekly Shonen Jump, reading during class. Yorune High School had a strict policy about comics in the classroom, but Len didn't care, too engrossed in My Hero Academia to notice. You don't have to have powers to be a superhero... he thought to himself.

The bell chimed, signaling the start of class, as Teacher Megurine walked in. But something was wrong. Teacher Megurine was always very serious about her work, but today she had a mysterious, dreamy look in her eye. "Okay, class..." she murmured in an uncharacteristically breathy voice. "Today, we're going to learn about youkai".

Youkai? Len wondered. Sure, this was Japanese history, but weren't they studying the Taisho era?

"There are many different types of youkai..." Teacher Megurine continued. "Tengu, the territory protecting mountain goblins. Kappa, the water demons. Oni, the monstrous ogres. And..." Her expression became mysteriously happy.

"Baku, the legendary dream eater."

Len looked up from his comics. Baku? he thought. What does Baku have to do with anything?

"Baku is a very mysterious creature..." Teacher Megurine murmured. "It has the unique ability to consume dreams and nightmares. They say if one calls out 'Mr. Baku, come for my dreams' at night, he'll appear..." She let out another dreamy sigh. "But you know, there is an easier way..."

Len stared at Teacher Megurine. She was starting to sound completely nuts.

Teacher Megurine smiled mysteriously. "If you leave your window open at night when the moon waxes, he'll come to you..." She straightened up. "Now, open your books and start reading about youkai..."

Len didn't open his book. Teacher Megurine was a calm and kind-hearted woman, but staring into space and muttering about youkai? That was weird.

A normal high school teacher suddenly losing her mind? A playful smirk on his face. This looks like a job for...

Len raised his hand. "Excuse me, Teacher, may I go to the bathroom?"


Len ran down the stairs, grinning. She fell for it... And now, I can reveal my true form!

Revealing his "true form" turned out to be opening his gym locker (where he'd hidden his superhero suit) and struggling into his costume. Len fastened his belt around his waist and tied his red scarf around his neck. He struck a pose.

"Super Len is here!" he cried triumphantly.

Len began his weekly "superhero patrol" by wandering around the city looking for crime. He observed the track field, but could find no suspicious activity. No one was running track today save for a few underclassmen.

Suddenly a group of upperclassmen cornered their juniors. "Hey, who told you you could be here! The team needs to practice!" a brash-looking boy yelled.

"B-but I thought the team didn't practice today, so I brought the tennis club over here" a nervous underclassman said.

"Well, buzz off! This is our field! The tennis court over there!" said the boy.

"But we can't run laps around a tennis court..." said the club president.

The boy growled. "Didn't you hear me? I said, ''Buzz off!"

A dispute between two clubs? thought Len. Perfect! "Hey, you!" Len shouted to the upperclassmen.

The upperclassmen turned to face Len. "Who the heck are you?"

Len put his hands on his hips and laughed. "Who am I? Don't you know?" He struck a pose. "I'm Super Len, the protector of the innocent!"

The upperclassmen looked at each other. Then they laughed. "Super Len"? said the team captain. "Who's that?"

Len growled. "It's me! I'm Super Len! And you two are not being very nice to these underclassmen!"

The captain smirked. "If you're a superhero, what are your powers?"

"Yeah! Every superhero has powers!" said another boy.

"You don't have to have powers to be a superhero!" Len said. "Defender knows that!"

The boys laughed again. "You still watch Defender? That's old school!"

"What are you, a nerd or a wannabe?

"I bet he's a wannabe. Wannabe! Wannabe!"

Len gritted his teeth. "I'm NOT a wannabe! I'm a superhero, I tell you! You guys are acting way too immature!"

The boys came closer. "Well, if you're a about you PROVE IT?"

Len raised his fists, standing defiantly in front of the underclassmen. The upperclassmen came nearer and nearer to Len, his body shaking..."Wha? N-NO!!!!"

Five minutes later, Len was lying on his back on the track.

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