Chapter 2

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Rin let out a sigh as she left the police station. "Haah... should have known there would be no help..." Her cat Gumi looked at her, puzzled. "I know, Gumi, but who would believe me? Well...aside from him..." She shuddered.

Rin's brother Len was the only one that believed her when she had told him about Miku, and he was absolutely no help. The two got along pretty well, but when it came to Len's stupid hobby, Rin couldn't stand him.

And it all happened because of that dumb TV show.... Rin thought to herself.

Miku was the last straw. As long as Rin had known her, she'd been a cheerful, optimistic girl who loved music and singing. Now, even her favorite things only garnered a monotone "Okay..." from her.

Rin honestly had no idea where to go now. With her parents oblivious, her brother completely nuts, and her best friend turning into an empty shell, she felt the only one she could trust was her cat.

"Too bad you can't talk, eh Gumi?" said Rin. She scratched Gumi's ears as she let out a small purr. "Wonder what my dope of a brother's doing now. Probably something stupid..."

"The Hero of Justice! The defender of Yorune Town and protector of all! Super Len is here!"

Oh no, thought Rin.

There, on top of a building, was a blond boy in a red, white, and yellow superhero suit. He struck a heroic pose, gazing down at the town. Then he jumped to the next roof and...

...dangled from a flagpole.

Rin shook her head. Any thought of supporting her "dope of a brother" escaped when he ended up dangling from a flagpole in an attempt to "leap tall buildings in a single bound". But she couldn't leave him stuck there forever...

The "superhero" waved at her as she looked up at the flagpole. "Greetings, citizens! Don't mind me, I'm just on my daily crime patrol!"

Rin sighed. "Len, we've been over this. How much longer are you going to be fooling around in that stupid costume?"

Len put a finger to his mouth. "Shh... mustn't reveal my secret identity... Call me Super Len, okay, 'civilian'?"

"Okay then, 'Super Len', how are you expecting to get down from there?" Rin said sarcastically.

Len, er, "Super Len", shrugged. "I was hoping you could help me with that..."

Rin let out a groan. "Okay, okay, I'll get you down from there, just wait a moment."

Len grinned, breaking character for a moment. "Thanks, Sis! You're a real pal!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever... You're welcome" Rin turned to the side of the building. No sign of stairs, but there was a ladder. "The things I do for you, Len..." she muttered.

Rin grabbed the ladder, pushing it to the side of the building until it was right underneath Len. "Stay here, Gumi". She put down the white cat, which mewed at her, seemingly worried. "Don't worry. I've done this more times than I can count"

She cautiously began climbing the ladder, trying hard to maintain her balance. Her hand reached out to Len. C'mon, grab it...

Len grabbed her hand as she teetered on the ladder, slowly unhooking his costume from the flagpole. "Thank you! How can I ever repay you Rin... er, I mean, citizen?"

"You can start by NOT MOVING AROUND SO MUCH!!!!" Rin shrieked as she lost her balance, causing her and Len to topple down...

...And land face-first in a bush.

Len was the first to emerge, with a thumbs-up and a cheerful grin. "Super Len is A-OK!"

Rin popped up next, leaves in her hair. Even her ever-present white ribbon was askew. "Rin Kagamine is definitely NOT!"

Len stood up. "Sorry, Rin... Well, it's my duty to aid and assist the citizens of Yorune Town..." He extended his hand. "Come with me if you want to live," he said jokingly.

Rin took his hand and he helped her up. "Thanks, Len..."

Len grinned. "No problem. It's my job, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Rin giggled and picked up Gumi.

Still arguing and joking with each other, the superhero and civilian headed home.

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