Chapter 10

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 A cold wind hit Len's back as he carefully climbed out of his window. This time, he was cautious enough not to get distracted by strange shadows on the roof, so he was able to have a bit more success climbing down the tree. The moon shone brightly in the sky above Yorune Town, a crescent moon with an annoying resemblance to the villain's grin.

If I were a Baku, where would I be? Len pondered.

Luckily, he was able to spot the other boy slipping in and out of the glow of the streetlamps. The Baku was humming to himself and spinning his cane as if he were a Victorian gentleman walking down the street. Definitely out of place on a modern-day sidewalk.

Pressing his back against the wall, Len sidestepped, avoiding the other one's gaze. Occasionally, Baku would look behind him, but Len managed to dive into some bushes before he noticed.

Finally, Baku stopped in front of a house. It was similar to Len's house, only the roof had shingles instead of tiles, and it was black instead of red. Len noticed the boy snicker to himself before miraculously jumping up into the trees with catlike grace, and moving slowly towards the window. Len followed, clinging to the trunk of the tree as the other boy whirled around, frowned, then returned to the window.

Len watched Baku's gloved fingers give a light tap on the window in front of him. The window was then promptly opened by a familiar-looking woman. Len took one look at her face and gasped.

Teacher Megurine! This was her house! Yet for somebody who may or may not have been brainwashed, she was oddly welcoming towards the boy outside her window. Len watched closely as he extended his hand, which she took and helped him inside.

No, Teacher Megurine! What are you doing! He's a supervillain! Len thought. Teacher Megurine didn't seem to care. Either the brainwashing was that strong or she actually seemed to trust the strange boy that had just crept into her window.

Len wasn't as good as climbing up trees as he was at climbing down, but he still managed to inch his way upward. Clinging desperately to a branch, he watched the seemingly innocent exchange between his teacher and his new nemesis. Luckily, Teacher Megurine had left the window open, so Len could hear every word.

Len watched as Baku bowed courteously to Teacher Megurine. "Good evening, Miss Luka. I trust you slept well?" he murmured.

"Yes, I did. It's such a relief to have you helping me," she sighed. "I haven't slept this well in ages,"

"I'm glad to hear that," said Baku, smiling sweetly at her. "It's my pleasure to help you sleep soundly,"

Did Len hear that right? Was Baku hypnotizing her or something? Either way, Teacher Megurine- Luka didn't seem afraid of the strange boy at all. She was actually welcoming him. Had she completely lost her mind? Didn't she see the danger she was in?

Len continued to watch as Baku drew closer to her, sitting down next to her on the bed.

Teacher Megurine was doing the equivalent of pouring her heart out to Baku. She told him about how stressful her job was and how hard she had to work to graduate. She told him that all she had ever wanted was to become a teacher and find the person meant for her. To Len's surprise Baku listened carefully. He didn't laugh or do anything a supervillain might do, like try to manipulate her. Instead, he put his arms around her, trying to reassure her, and then...

He kissed her.

Naturally, Len, being a fourteen-year-old boy, was about to puke. There was his teacher, kissing a supervillain. A supervillain that just happened to look like him. Baku and Luka, sitting in a tree! Only in this case, only Len was the one in the tree.

After their lips parted. Luka blushed and collapsed onto the bed. Baku watched with a smirk, petting her head slightly before sitting down with a book and a teacup in the corner of Luka's room (where did he get those things?) He took a sip of tea and quietly snickered to himself, as if he knew something that no one else did.

That's disgusting! thought Len. Why in the world would a supervillain kiss his victim and then have the actual nerve to have tea in her room?! It was the most diabolical thing that Len had ever heard of. (Though Len, being a fourteen-year-old boy, would think that)

As if on cue, Len lost his balance, clinging to the branch with his hands. Baku immediately turned toward the window, closing his book before walking over and peering outside. Fortunately for Len, he wasn't visible through the windowsill, and Baku didn't seem to notice. He eventually returned to his tea and book.

Len breathed a sigh of relief before groping his way back down the tree. Mission accomplished, he thought, before remembering Baku and Luka's kiss, ew!

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