Anatomy Lesson- All (mainly Daniel)

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In this story, they live in dorms at the university. It's a performing arts university. So for people doing dance, music, opera, theatre and so on.

Each section of the arts has a dorm with 4 stories. (Performing arts in university is usually about 4 years) so the first years on the ground floor,second years on the second floor and so on.

Of course the boys are in the music dorm and they are in first year, so subsequently on the first floor.

Ok enough boring shit, onto the story.

Narrator's POV
"I simply can not believe you four!" Daniel says staring at his friends in disbelief. "How can you boast about being 'sex gods' when you don't even know the female anatomy? We have a text on the advanced reproductive system for fucks sake!"

"We know we know but we just never took the time to study it." Jonah says trying to be the voice of reason. "As long as I know what feels good for her, fuck what the parts are called." Zach says waving his hands around, "Why the fuck are we even learning this. I'm studying music not fucking science!"

"It's to make sure your not a complete idiot, as you are, Zach. This is why you bitches are still single." Daniel says completely fed up with his best friends stupidity. "Oh come on, just because Paige has you wrapped around her finger doesn't mean the rest of us are at loss here." Corbyn says teasing him.

Daniel thinks for a minute and says, "Okay I have an idea. But I need to get consent from Paige and then we'll see how we go." Jack looks up at him rather confused, "What does any of this have to do with Paige?" Daniel simply smiles and walks out of the classroom.

~Outside Paige's dorm room door~

Daniel had texted his girlfriend that he was coming over to discuss something important and she told him to just come in when he arrives.

Turning the knob on the door, Daniel walks into his girlfriends light and airy dorm. The university they attended on accepted the best of the best, so there weren't that many students. So their dorms resembled a pretty spacious apartment.

Paige's dorm had a running theme of cream walls with light greens, beige and pinks. Giving it a natural magical forest feel. And of course her perfume filled out the apartment with its airy and calming scent. Daniel felt immediately relaxed.

But Paige on the other hand was nothing like this. She shot out of her room as Daniel walked in with a loud, "TREE!" "Hi koala." Daniel smiled at her, using the nicknames they gave each other. Why tree and koala? Well whenever Daniel and Paige fall asleep she practically clings onto him like a koala on a tree.

He picks her up as she wraps her legs around his waist. "I missed you" she pouts. Babe we had Music Theory together. (Idk what classes they have so go with that) But it was like 2 hours ago. "Okay but I'm here now right?" He says kissing her forehead. "Mhm" she mumbles burying her face into his chest.

"So about what I wanted to talk about..." he starts as he carries her to her room. He walks into the cream coloured room with music sheets strewn everywhere. Looking up Paige blushes, "I'm trying to write a song but I'm stuck on the pre-chorus. But what did you want to talk about?"

Daniel chuckles as he sits on her bed, with Paige on his lap. "So I have a anatomy test based on the reproductive system in two days. And the boys don't know the first thing about the female system." He explains.

"Okay... how am I supposed to help?" Paige asks very confused. He sighs wondering how to say it. "Okay so I tried to study with them but that didn't work. Soooo I thought they need a practical lesson." Paige's eyes widen as she notices what her boyfriend is getting at.

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