Competition- C.M.B

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"Damn, you're still at it, huh? You've been playing that game for weeks." Corbyn says watching Jess who is sitting on the floor in front of the TV. The sound denoting your character has died sounds out from the speakers. "And you still suck. Better keep practising." He says laughing, she turns around and glares at him.  

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I offered to help you. But you were determined to do it on your own, so there you go." He says raising his hands in surrender. "I know that I can do it on my own." She says.

"Oh, you could, could you? I doubt it. I mean, not to be mean or anything, babe, but I just watched you die. Doubt you could beat me yet." He continues taunting her. "Fine then Mr I'm-So-Fucking-Amazing. Let's play, unless you're too chicken.

"Chicken?! No, I just have...other stuff in mind right now. Like you putting down that controller and coming to bed. It's late, you've been playing all day. Time to take a break."

"Nooooo" she whines, "I need to keep playing. Fuck sleep."

"C'mon, come to bed with me..." he leans down to her ear and whispers, "I'll make losing sting less and put your mind on another type of pain."

"Corbyn what the fuck?" Jess laughs swatting his face away. "Sorry, couldn't help it. You're way too cute when you're mad." He says kissing the top of her head.

"You really want me to play, huh? Think you can beat me? Fine, let's make this extra interesting." He start, grabbing a controller and sitting down next to her. "What do you have in mind?" Jess looks at him curiously.

"Nothing, just a little bet. Should be easy for you, since you're so much better at this game than I am, apparently. Yeah. Nothing to worry about at all." He says sarcastically earning a shove from his girlfriend.

"I'll play as many matches with you as you want. But every time you lose, you take off an article of clothing. And when there's nothing left, you put down that controller...walk your cute little butt to the bedroom...and I fuck you to sleep." He says looking like he just ended world hunger.

"Oh course it has something to do with sex, you horndog." Jess smiles. "What do I have to do if I lose?" He asks. "Um you'll-" "Let's play" he cuts her off.

"But I didn't get to pick your punishment." She says confused. "Because I'm not going to, sweetheart. Pick your character." He says putting his full attention onto the screen.

Jess gives him a glare. "Fine, I'll cook and do the dishes for a week. Fair? Not gonna happen, though, because I'm about to win." Corbyn gives in.

"Ohoho your on. I'm gonna destroy you!" She yells. "That's it, keep that fire. You'll need it for later when I'm destroying that pu-" "CORBYN DON'T FINISH THAT!" She yells slightly blushing. "Okay okay jeez"

They start the game and 5 minutes in Corbyn has won the first round.

"Damn, that was fast. What, that took me, like, what, five minutes? Hmm. Sure you don't wanna reconsider, princess? Not too late to back out now..." he looks over at her. "No! I will win this. You just got lucky."she says pulling her sock off.

"Oh yeah!! I forgot we were doing that. Oh, this is gonna be fun. You wearing a bra under there?" He laughs receiving a light smack from the slightly irritated girl. "Hey now! Keep the fighting on the screen."

"Aww, don't be mad, hon, maybe it was just dumb luck. Took you by surprise, right? I'm sure you'll beat me this time. Try again. It's cute." He mock pouts at her.

The next round lasts a little longer, but eventually Corbyn wins again.

"Ooh! Too bad, babe. You got a lot closer that time, though. Even managed to actually hit me once or twice. Wanna go again?" He smiles devilishly. "I hate it here." Jess mutters under her breathe. "Aw don't be like that babe." He gives her a kiss. "Ok maybe I don't hate it as much" she quickly changes.

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