Princely Matters - D.J.S.

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"Fuck fuck fuck I'm late!' Ellie thought as she dashed up the stairs of a large beautiful white house. She straightens out her outfit and knocks on the large Oakwood door.

An old man comes to the door dressed in a tuxedo. He takes one look at her outfit and opens the door wider saying, "Ah you must be the new maid. Welcome. I'm Winston. I'm Prince Daniel's personal butler."

"The young master is expecting your company follow me please." He walks down a hallway and stops in front of a large back door. He knocks on it and a muffled 'Come in' is heard. He man opens the door and bows, saying, "Sir the new help is here."

"Perfect, bring her in." The voice says again. Winston gives her a small smile and nudges her into the room. He takes a small bow before walking out and shutting the door.

Ellie walks in looking down at her fingers nervously. "So your name is Ellie?" He says. She finally looks up at him and is met with beautiful blue eyes with a mischievous glint to them. 'Holy shit he's hot.' She thinks.

"I am flattered that you think I'm hot, although that is quite unprofessional don't you think?" He smirks looking at her. Ellie can feel her face heating up as she said it out loud. "I'm really sorry, your majesty." She says still embarrassed.

"Yeah it's okay. I believe you have read through the full contract and you fully agree with all your duties as my personal maid." He says gaining and air of seriousness.

"I just skimmed through it but I'm sure I can do everything." Ellie says determinedly. "Okay cmon stand against the wall. I need to inspect you." He says getting up. Ellie walks to the wall in confusion.

"Did you put on everything that came with the uniform?" He asks looking her up and down. "Y-yes but I don't understand why I have to wear this maid outfit." "Well as you know I am the Prince of Pacificae (means peaceful in Latin) and we believe in traditional methods. Thus having our staff dress appropriately." Comes his response.

"Okay I see you actually wore everything." he grins slightly lifting her skirt and seeing the garter. She squeals pushing his hands away. "What? I'm only making sure." Is his smug response.

"Well let me show you around and you can get started, ay?" He says. "Yes please." Daniel turns towards the door and stands. She looks at him wondering and then remembers. "Oh I'm sorry." She rushes forward and opens the door for him.

"Remember your job, Ellie." He says walking. Scurrying behind him Ellie looks at the multitude of paintings and artefacts that line the hall that they are walking down.

They stop at every room and Daniel explains her duty in every room. Then they finally get to a large white door with gold accents on it. "This is my room and I expect it to be cleaned twice a day. Once when I wake up and once after supper, before I sleep." He explains opening the door.

Once the room opens Ellie is met with a beautiful room mostly white but with accents of blue and grey. It already looks extremely clean. Not something she was expecting from the Prince.

As she continues to look around she notices a corner of the room with a desk. On the desk is a guitar and a shit ton of papers. 'He must be a musician.' She thinks. Above the desk is a photo of what looks to be a young Daniel sitting on a man's lap at a grand piano.

"So you're going to start in here. I'll be back in an hour to check in your progress.

Time skip brought to you by Daniel and Zach's almost kiss💀

"Ellie how is everything going?" Daniel asks walking into the room. He looks around but cannot see her.

"Ellie? Where is she?" He asks walking further into the room. "I- um I'm here." Comes a muffled voice. He looks in the direction of the voice and sees our dear Ellie on her hands and knees under the bed.

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