Midnight Mayhem- J.R.A.

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Lola's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and realise I am in my bed, I check the time and see it is 12:32 am . I remember falling asleep on the couch while watching a movie with Jack. I look over and see my handsome boyfriend, of two years, fast asleep. I begin to look closely at his face that I love so much. The way his lips curl up into a tiny smile, his long eyelashes resting on his cheeks and the way his nose ring sparkles in the moonlight.

All of a sudden, a sharp pain tears through my abdomen and it leaves this dull aching feeling. I groan and remember I had started my period earlier on in the day. 'I need to get water.', I think to myself. I quietly get out of bed trying not to wake Jack. As I walk down the stairs I hold the railings for dear life, due to the immense pain I am feeling.

I finally make it to the kitchen and reach up for a glass. Just as I am taking it out, the sharp pain tears through me once more causing me to drop my glass. When the glass hits the ground it shatters into thousands of pieces. " Lola! Are you alright?", calls out. "I'm fine, just had a little accident.", I call back. I step forward to get the broom but end up treading on a shard of glass. I shriek in pain and sit down in a chair. The period hormones kick in and I begin to cry.

I hear quick footsteps coming to the kitchen and in comes Jack. He looks around and sees me crying in a chair with glass on the floor. "No do not cry, princess", he says soothingly. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the bathroom, where he places me on the counter next to the sink. "What happened, baby girl?", he asks me, concern evident in his eyes. "I was coming to get water but then I dropped the glass. And stepped on one of the shards. And to top it all off: I have the worst cramps!", I manage to mumble before bursting into tears.

"Ssh there there do not worry I clean up your foot then we can go cuddle, okay?", he cajoles. I nod my head managing to stop crying so loud. He gets the first aid kit from the cabinet under the sink and begins to take out the glass. I wince as he pulls out each piece, while he comforts me and tells me it is  going to be alright. I grip onto the counter as he applies the antiseptic on my wound. He then carefully wraps the bandage around my foot. Meanwhile I am watching him wondering how I got such a caring boyfriend.

After he finishes, he gets up and says," Hold on let me get something." I stay sitting on the counter as he walks out. About two minutes later he comes back with a glass of water and a pain killer. "Drink this," he says," it might help reduce the pain from the cramps."

When I finish drinking he picks me up once more and carries me back to our room. He lays me down in the bed but does not get in. "Where are you going?" I ask him. "I am just going to clean up the glass downstairs, I will be back," he responds. "Baby, do not. I dropped it so should be the one to clean it up!" I respond stubbornly. "Lola, you are not feeling well and you are injured. You can not start cleaning up. Let me do it." He says, a tinge of finality in his voice. I look up at him and finally give in with a nod of my head. He then walks out of the room.

While he is downstairs I think about the first time we met. I was at a park after a stressful day, and he just walked up to me and asked if I was alright. I told him everything, I do not know why I opened up to him, because he was a complete stranger at the time. But it just felt so right. Over time we grew closer and one day he asked me to be his girlfriend, I remember being so happy that day. Jack walks back into our room snapping me out of my little reverie. "Why are you smiling like that?" He questions. "I am just remembering the day we met and the day you asked me out." I tell him.

He smiles and her into bed with me. "Best decision I have ever made." He says as he snuggles into me. "I love you, Lola" he whispers. "I love you too, Jack" I mumble as I fall asleep.

[Word Count: 809]

Hey guys!
Thank you for reading my first story. I hope you liked it.
Stay tuned for more. I literally wrote this during my study break. But now I'm going back to studying Additional Mathematics. My exams start in 32 days (yay 😐)

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