Chapter 2

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-/:Itachi POV:\-

Taichi and I walked in our new penthouse house,  it have 2 floors, 3 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms. The 2 biggest bedrooms is upstairs, I'm giving my son the second biggest room and make the others room a gust room.

The furniture I ordered and had a person I hired to put it in place did well, I tired to my son " Do you like it?" I asked, he turned to me and gave a the cutest smile " I love it!!" I smiled at his answer.

" Do you want to see your room?" He jump and giggled " Yes,Yes! " then he ran upstairs, he got your personality Naru, I can see you in him.

||:: The Fucking Penthouse::||

||:: The Fucking Penthouse::||

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/-:Itachi Room:-\

/-:Itachi Room:-\

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✨✨ Taichi Room✨✨

[ Not my broke ass showing these rich people photos 😃✋🏾]

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[ Not my broke ass showing these rich people photos 😃✋🏾]

" My room is so AWESOME!!" Taichi yelled out of happiness, I chuckled at his reaction " You should gets some rest, cause later in the night we are going to visit some people...." I told him.

He tilt his head in curiosity " who?" He asked " You'll find out later" he nodded his head " ok, I'm take a nap now" I smiled and left his room, do I really deserve this?

-/: Time Skip :\-

" Taichi, it's time to leave!" " I'm coming, I trying to make sure I look good!!" I sweat drop, he definitely Naruto child. I sighed and sat on the couch wait for Chi, that's the nickname I call him sometimes.

I waited about 9 minutes for him to come downstairs, I turned to see what he's wearing " Now we can go dad" I sighed, let's hurry before it gets to late.

30 minutes later, i pulled up at my parents's been a while, I got out the car and help my son out to.

" This going to be a pain in the ass..." I whispered to myself " What?" " oh, it's nothing Chi" we walked up to the door and I knocked on the door.

We wait a few seconds when " May i he- Itachi!" " Long time no see, mother" she ran and hugged me " You stupid mother fucker!" " Mom!" She let go " I'm sorry, come on inside!" I nodded and walked in with my son.

[|✨✨ Taichi Pov ✨✨|]

My dad and I, walked in to this lady house, did he just called her mom? I was confused, I thought my dad didn't had parents.

I was lost in my thoughts when " Who this little guy?" The lady said, while bending down to my level and pat my head " oh, I'm Taichi Uzumaik Uchiha..." I introduce myself.

When she heard Uchiha, her eyes widened " Is he your son?! Itachi!?" I sweat drop, is she insane or just crazy, I asked myself.

" Itachi?..." I turned to see who called my father's name, I seen a young adult, don't tell me it's my dad.....FATHER!!😱😱😱.

The man ran and hugged my dad " Hey, little brother.." my dad said, wait little brother...oh, I really need to stop other thinking 😅

When I was to talk some interrupt me, how many people do my dad know??! So I turned again to see the old grumpy ugly old man, dang did someone barked at him to make him pissed?

He walked up to my father and the had a staring competition, I'm totally not wondering who's going to win, then that when the old man spoke " It's been a while" " indeed it did, father" my dad answered back.

Why is it so awkward? Even the atmosphere changed " Who are these people?" I asked, even tho he directly told me while talking to them.

He turned to me and crouch down to my level, then he tapped to fingers on my forehead " These are my parents and little brother, also they are your grandparents and uncle..." he told me, I looked back at the people so called my grandparents and Uncle.

I don't like them to be honest, it's probably cause I'm not used to them, I looked at my other side of the family, I guess I have to introduce myself again. Sighed " I'm Taichi Uzumaik Uchiha, it's nice to meet my dad side of the family..." why do I feel I'm being sarcastic?

" Hey, Taichi, I'm Mitoko your grandmother" the nice lady said, and then someone else spoke " I'm Sasuke, I guess I'm your uncle....." I feel like we going to have a problem.

Then I looked at the old hag " I'm your grandfather.." wth, why do it looks like he want to kill me in a second, he can't kill me cause I'm a baddie 😌 like my Other Grandmomma and auntie said.

" I'll go make dinner, please feel welcome!!" She said, in a excited tune

" do you want to play games?" I looked at Uncle Saskue, who just asked me if I want to plays video games with him " Sure!" I guess we won't have a problem after all.

~\| Itachi Pov |/~

I smiled how Taichi, got along with Sasuke, that's when my father spoked " Who the child mother?..." why the fuck he needs to know that " Why do you want to know?..." I asked in a series voice.

" It's depends if I really want to make that thing my grandchild.." wtf did he just say " My son isn't a thing! I don't need to tell you a god damn thing about his mother, so stay out my mother fucking Business, I don't see a dad anyways" I whispered yelled, and walked away.

Who the fuck he thinks he is, he'll be a dead Son of a bitch, I'll tell you that ( y'all know that meme😂✋🏾) I sat down at the counter pissed off. Damn why the old fuck have to ruin my day?!

Naru-kun, I still remember that day when you told me you wanted a family with me.

-:: 6 Half years ago::-

" Tachi!! " Naruto yelled from the kitchen, I walked in the kitchen to see what's wrong " yes, babe?" He turned to me with the most Beautiful smile.

This is one of the reasons why I fell in love with him " Tachi, what if I tell you I want us to start a family..." he hesitantly asked, I froze for a second.

" I honestly would love to, but why did you asked?" He giggled " oh, no reason.." I raise up on eye brow " ok?" He laughed and hugged me " you will find out later...Tachi" what do he mean?

::— End of Flashback—::

Damnit Natuto, why did you she to go so early, tears was forming, you didn't even seen our son grow up yet, you didn't even seen when he first walk and talked.

Tears was coming nonstop, he even said ' momma' when he was one years old, but you was not there for that, this hurts me so fucking much.

" Itachi!" I quickly wipe the tears off my face " Yes mom?" " are you ok?" She asked, and I gave her a fake smile " Yes, I'm ok mom" she smiled " we'll help me, you go fix the table " " ok.."


That will be all for today, sorry if I spelled something wrong, English isn't my first language.

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