Chapter 5

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: /: Itachi POV : \:

I was in shocked how did or where did he heard that name from? I looked at Taichi, and went down to his level " Where did you hear that name from?" I asked, he looked at me.

" umm... It's a long story.." he said, I signed and Pat his head " Naru, is a nickname, Naruto, is real name" I told him " So, who is he?" he asked, and I smiled. " Naruto, is your mother...."  " H-..He is?..." how do he now it's a 'he'?!

I signed " Yes he is.." I told my son, he just smiled " well, let's go to school...!" Then he walked to the car, my initial thought was how did he found out about Naruto?

I signed and got in the car, then started driving " Are you nervous?" I asked, he nodded his head " Don't be, you'll make a lot of friends, so don't worry " I can see him smile throw rear-view mirror.

When we got to the school " we'll we here.." I said, we both got out the car " Are you ready for 1st grade?" I asked, he shook his head. I sighed " Chi, i won't be home until midnight, so when you get off the school bus, go straight home and locked the doors, ok?" He looked down "ok..." i smiled.

We both walked in the school and I register him in, the Vice principal lead us to Chi, classroom. " this will be Taichi, classroom with Ms. Nara, that will be his home room teacher " she told us, I nodded my head.

I looked at Taichi, the I tipped his head with two fingers " it will be ok" I said, he gave me a smile " ..ok.." " " you may come in" his teacher said. " I'll see you later.." I told him, he nodded his head and went in the classroom.

My phone ring and I picked it up.

[ On Call ]


Itachi, father wants you at the meeting now

Sighe* Ok,I'll be there all right...

Hugs up*

I look at Tachi, in his new classroom and then left for work, I really hope he makes friends, he never had a friend except his cousin.

||:|| Taichi Pov ||:||

When I walked in the classroom, everyone was staring at me, is there something on my face? Or I'm to Beautiful to not look away?

I sat next to this girl and she turned to me " What's your name?" She asked, I was a lot uncomfortable " u-umm, I'm Taichi Uzumaik Uchiha..." she smiled " Pretty name, well I'm Ren Hyuga, it's nice to meet you" I smiled " it's nice to meet you as well" she also smiled.

3 Hours later

It was break time, I was talking to Ren, to get to know each other when " Ren! Who that?" I turned to my side to see a pink haired boy " oh,umm...This is Taichi, my new friend" she introduce me.

" Well if he's your friend, that means he my friend as well!" He yelled, I giggled a bit when Ren spoke " Sometimes I think, Auntie Sakura and Hinata, is not your real parents, cause you don't act or like the same thing as them.." she said.

I laughed " That's a bit harsh, oh well, I'm still a momma boy!" He happily yelled, he is so funny " We should hang out after school!" He also said. I sighed " I would, but my dad want me straight home after school.." I told them, they looked disappointed " Well we can ask the teacher if you can call your dad and asked him" Ren said, I smiled and nodded my head.

I walked to Ms. Nara, she looked at me " What is it sweetie?" To be honest I was a little nervous " u-..umm, can I call my dad and asked him something?..." she smiled at me " Sure" I smiled.

[ Man when I was in school, I didn't had a phone at the time, so I went and asked my teacher can I used a phone. Cause I needed to know who's going to pick me up from school, but I asked my bitch as teacher this bitch told me no, I'm still mad at that, cause I wait hours after school when my mom got off work 😀]

Back to the Story

I dial my dad's number and waited till he picked up.

{ On Call }


Dad? It's me Taichi...

Taichi, don't tell me you got in trouble at school already...

What? No, I'm called you cause I wanted to asked if after school, I can go to my friends house to play?... * Nervous *

Humm, sure why not

* Happy baby* Thanks dad!

No problem, but when you get
Homme do what I told you to do


Hang up

I went back to my friends " He said yes!!" we all was happy " do y'all got any ideas what we should do?" Yuuma asked, I thought about it " I know, but I won't tell y'all until we get there" I smirked.

They both looked confused " Now you made me curious" Ren said " Same.." I laughed " Don't worry, it will be fun when we get there, also I can't wait to meet y'all parents. I smiled" you have a cute smiled, you know that right? " me and Ren, was shocked what Yuuma said.

I blushed " oh, t-..thank you.." he smiled and Ren was still in shocked same goes for me, I can't tell if was joking or flirting with me.

After School

I went with Yuuma and Ren, to the car riders ramp, we waited for Yuuma, mom to pick us up. After a few minutes of waited she pulled up, is three got in the car " you must be there new friend?" her voice was so sweet.

" Yes, I just moved here from Souel" " Your Korean?" I laughed " No, I'm Japanese, I'll was just born at Souel" she nodded her head and started driving.

We all talked in to car and Yuuma, mom was a fun loving person she even said I can call her mom as well. I hope my real mother don't mind same goes my dad, I'm happy that I made my first friends ever.

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