Chapter 4

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\|_|/ Taichi Pov\|_|/

After my dad drop me off at my grandmothers house, it was just me and her " Do you want to make a milkshake?" She asked. My eyes light up " I would love to!" I say happy.

We was laughing while doing all types of things like, making milkshakes, playing hide and seek, build forts, watched movies and etc.

I'm having fun with my other grandma, I sat down to take a break " You remind me of my other grandmother" I told her, she looked at me with a smile " You mean your mom's mother?" ""

To be honest my dad never to me about him or her, should I asked him when he pick me up? I didn't notice I was in deep thoughts when " Taichi? Are you ok?" grandma asked..

" I... Never met my mother..." I told grandma, she Pat my head " I'm sure you'll meet her soon, how about we asked your dad when he gets back home?" " ok!" I smiled at her.

::: _::: Itachi POV:::_:::

It's 11:53pm, it's was time for me to go home, I packed my things same for Sasuke, before I leave I turned to the girl I met today " I'll see you tomorrow" I said " I'll see you tomorrow" she said, then I left.

Also I need to sign Taichi, for school cause it's going to start soon, I'll go to the school tomorrow with Chi, to get him sign in.

[ The next Chapter, is when Taichi, going to meet Yuuma]

When me and Sasuke, got to my mom's house we walked in to see both my mom and Chi, was asleep on the couch.

I smiled and turned to Sasuke " I'm head home" " ok, see you tomorrow" I picked up Taichi, and walked to the car. When we got home, I picked up sleeping Chi, and went in the penthouse after I put Chi to bed. I change my clothes and went to bed too, it was a long dad today and so tireing I need sleep.

{ Taichi POV }

Where am I? What is this beautiful place?

[ this place ]

I looked around when I heard someone singing, I seen a yellow hair, bright blue eyes with whiskers on his cheek, he was sitting above the water in the middle of the pond

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I looked around when I heard someone singing, I seen a yellow hair, bright blue eyes with whiskers on his cheek, he was sitting above the water in the middle of the pond.

[ This the song he was singing ]

[ Yes I listen to nightcore 😒😀✋🏾]

I was amazed how America his voice was, I slowly was walking towards the water when I stepped on a brand " Who's there?!" he turned.

He looked shocked when he saw me " T-..Taichi?" how does he know my name? " how do you know my name? And where am I?" I asked, he gave me a big smile.

" This is a dream, I'm in your imagination" my eyes widen "s-so, I'm dreaming and your just in it?" he nodded his head. I looked at him " Why it's no one else here but you?"  I asked " who knows?" he answered.

He turned to me " Do you want to see something amazing?" he asked, I smiled " Yes!" " Follow me" I nodded my headband followed him.

" close your eyes.." he said, and I did what he asked me to do, a few minutes later " ok, you can opened your eyes now" when I opened my eyes I seen a beautiful view.

[ this what he seen ]

[ this what he seen ]

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" This is so... BEAUTIFUL!!" I yelled, the man giggle " I'm happy that you like it" I turned to him " like it? I love it!" he laugh and so do I.

We talked and played until " Taichi, it's time to wake up" huh? I was confused " well it looks like it's time for to go, I'm happy I get to spend time with you"! The man said, I smiled " same!" he giggles.

And I was slowly disappearing " Wait? What is your name?" I asked, smiled " For now, just call me Naru..." Naru?

I woke up to see my dad " that was all a dream?.." I question myself " You ok?" dad asked, I nodded my head " we'll let's eat breakfast and you have to wash an put on your new uniform" my dad said, then gave me my uniform.

" After finishing breakfast?" I asked, and he answered back yes, I signed and got up from the table and went in that bathroom to shower.

( Time Skip)

I just got down finishing changing into my uniform, I look like a baddie as always.

( His clothes, don't mind that stupid ass wand)

I walked downstairs and went in the kitchen where my dad at " I'm ready" he looked at me and smiled " you look so adorable" I blushed of embarrassment

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I walked downstairs and went in the kitchen where my dad at " I'm ready" he looked at me and smiled " you look so adorable" I blushed of embarrassment.

" Let's go" he said, and I agreed we got in the car and he drove off, but I'm still thinking about that dream I had last night. I was in deep thought " Taichi?" I flinched and looked at my dad. " hum?" " Are you ok? You been spacing out" I signed " Dad can I ask you a question?" he smiled " Sure!" I looked down.

" Do you now who Naru-san is?......"

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