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Y/N: "What are you doing here?" he said, Jude: "Am I not permitted here?" you swiftly shook your head. Y/n: "No, not at all, I was just wondering why you were here," he said, before saying something surprising.

Jude: "Can I have your phone number?" You stood there paralysed for at least a few minutes before returning to reality when he contacted you.

"HEY, are you all right?" says Jude. "Yeah, I'm absolutely OK," you said, nodding. "Are you sure you want my number?"

Jude: "Of course I'm sure, why do you think I asked?" So you gave him your number and you two agreed to go for a walk in the park, and before you went out, he put on sunblock After chatting with him and getting to know each other, you headed home because it was getting dark, when you got home your mother wasn't there so you assumed she went out, you went inside the bathroom and took a shower after someone called you but it was an unknown number but you decided to answer it anyway "Hello," says Neema. "Hello, am I speaking to Neema?" Neema responds, "Yes, this is Neema." Jude: "I was calling to see if you were free tomorrow," you hesitated for a second, he wants to take you out, Neema: "Well, I have nothing to do tomorrow, so sure, I'm free why," you waited so he could take you out so he could respond, Jude: "I wanted to go out with a buddy, that's all" wait you thought we are friends "OK, when and where shall we meet?" says Neema. "We can meet at 11 a.m. at the same restaurant where we met yesterday," Jude says. "OK, see you later, have a good night," says Neema. "OK, you too," Jude says. And then the call ended, and you didn't know why you were so happy; perhaps it was because you had met a new person, or perhaps it was something else..................................

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Hello its me again pls comment if you like it or not 

love and accident -- Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now