Meeting Family

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Today was the day you met Jude's family; it was exciting but also nerve-racking because you had never met anyone's family before, which is why you were nervous; you were never the type of girl who has a lot of friends or dates a lot of guys, so you got up and went to get ready for the day; after getting ready, you went downstairs for the first time in a long time to make breakfast for your mom, which you hadn't done in a long time, After making her breakfast and leaving a note for her, you left the house. While reading a book in the library, you received a notification from Jude saying "remember you're meeting my family today, I'll pick you up at 6 tonight" you replied with "alright thanks for the reminder" after reading the book you had for 2 hours, you looked at the clock and it was 4 so you decided to go home and begin getting ready for Jude to pick you up, He arrived at your place and you both drove to his house; upon arrival, you were greeted by his mother at the entrance; she gave you both a great embrace and asked you both to come inside Jude's mother: "So you're Neema, right? Jude has told me a lot about you "You just kept OK smiling like an idiot but then when you heard her talk the second time, you looked up at Jude because you were quite shorter than him and he just kept on his smiling figure which is strange because he never actually smiles that much but he is a happy person, you got inside the house and you were amazed at how organised the house really is and also how clean it is ,Jude said he's a little obnoxious, but he's incredibly cute, so you hung around with the family for a bit before heading back home.

When you got home, you noticed that your mother wasn't there, so you decided to go to bed early, but you wondered why he asked you to meet his family, like come on a friend can't just invite you to see his family, and then his mother said that he has been talking about you a lot, this could be another chance for you to get another man who won't break your heart like the last time, so you closed your eyes and slowly went to sleep........

to be continued 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So as i promised i did it just like ti baddie i am so anyway hope you injoyed the to story ill post the next part by Wednesday so bye lovely people

love and accident -- Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now