Part-4 First Date

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 After a few weeks, you and Jude were close, almost best friends, but this week Jude hasn't spoken to you, which is strange, but after a while, you bumped into him in the regular area in the restaurant, so you approached him and sat down.

Jude: hello once again

Neema: It's good to see you after a week. He chuckled and glanced at you for around 5 seconds. neema: what Jude: I haven't said anything Neema: "why are you looking at me " Jude: Because you are beautiful " when he said this you giggled even if in your heart you were going crazy, after that scene you guys decided to go for a walk and walk around, he stopped you when you were walking around, he stopped you when you were walking around, he stopped you when you were walking around, he stopped you when you were about to walk away,

Jude: So you want to go out tomorrow night just the two of us? Neema: Sure, why not, but when? Jude: "At 6 p.m., is that okay with you? I'll pick you up at your place," he said after a few moments of thought. Neema: "I guess I'll see you tomorrow," you went away slowly, but he drew you back and pecked your forehead, you stood there transfixed, not comprehending what had just occurred, he walked away amused at your response, your thoughts were interrupted when your mother phoned. Mama: What do you do, get inside the house, it's chilly out here, Neema: "okay, mother," you responded shyly, and when you went to your room, all you could think about was what had happened outdoors. Jude Bellingham just kissed your head, a famous footballer just did that, you went in the shower to take your thoughts away, after the shower you decided to start doing your classwork, which of course you have to do since you have dreamed of becoming a lawyer your entire life, so you did your course work and went down to see your mother cooking dinner, you came behind her and back hugged her, Neema: "mama what are you making today" after 2 hours of looking at the case you decided to finish it tomorrow, so you put your stuff away and fell asleep waiting for the next day to come.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were woken up by the sound of your alarm going off, so you got out of bed and went to get ready for the day because, before your date, you have collage to get through, which you hope goes well. While in class, you received a notification from Jude on snap saying good morning, but because you didn't have data, you ignored it and just focused on your class. After school, you went straight home without going anywhere, and you looked at the time and you still had 2 hours so you After getting dressed, you walked downstairs to search for your mother, but she wasn't there, so you wrote her a letter on paper and on your phone informing her that you wouldn't be there until 10 p.m., when you heard the doorbell ring and proceeded to open it.

Jude: ''hey, ready to go'' he asked you you nodded slowly looking at what he was wearing he was wearing a black suit which made him look more handsome and a bow tie, you both walked to the car and he opened the door for you like a gentleman, you both got to the restaurant,

Neema: ''Jude you've got some taste you'' said as you sat looking around the place, you hear him chuckle at what you said, Jude:'' you could say that'' the waiter came and took your orders after a while the food arrived and you guys started to eat, after eating and having a small talk you guys decided to leave but the weather changed and it started to rain, Jude looked at you and said

Jude: "don't tell me you didn't bring a jacket" you just stood there smiling as if you hadn't done anything wrong he sighed quietly, he stood up and put his blazer around your shoulders to keep you warm after a while you both went to the car and he drove to your house, after dropping you off he went and opened the door for you to get out you guys said your goodbyes and you walked inside---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hi, it is your author sorry I couldn't post I was busy with schoo

love and accident -- Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now