Chapter 1

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Kenji is dressed in her Oiran attire while she does the Oiran-Dochu walk down Yoshiwara with her Kamuro, Mimi, and Timi, she slowly recognized Tengen and the Kamaboko trio with him. She looked over in his direction and grabbed a Furoside Shinzou and motioned to Inosuke dressed up in an ugly disguise. While she did her walk to the Kyogoku house she saw Inosuke being taken back to the Ogimoto House. When she finally arrived she bowed down to the masters of the house and gave them a gift that was handmade Dark Nama chocolate. The master of the house ended started up a conversation with Kenji, The master wondered why Warabihime-Oiran couldn't be like her. Kenji started getting led down to Warabihime-Oiran's room. She knocked three times to let her know it was her since she was here before. She got permission to be let in so she slid open the shoji and went in. "Warabihime-Oiran it's so good to see you again. I brought you one kanzashi pin it's a purple flower." She said happily with so much joy, Warabihime-Oiran smirked a bit, "Oh thank you it looks so beautiful, I have something for you too." She went to her vanity and opened the drawer then grabbed a purple bow and handed it to her. Kenji gasped and looked at her as she  softly spoke "Oh my Warabihime-Oiran this is so beautiful, I love it so much." Kenji realizes the time and picked up her attire that was surrounding the floor. "Oh sorry, Warabihime-Oiran I have a client I need to meet he says he wants to marry me.." Kenji trailed off and then left the room.

Daki started talking to her brother, "Onii-Chan somebody wants to marry her." Gyutaro talked back, "I know Imotou she should be ours and only ours.". Daki responded "Let's get rid of him"

"Hello, Otou-san how are you? I got a marriage request he's kind and sweet he doesn't use me anyway that would be it hope you find this letter helpful-hint his name is ******." Kenji finished the letter put the pen back in the ink and gave it to her Adoptive father Kasugai Crow and it flew off. Kenji took out every 6 Turtle Shells flat and top and on both sides of her hair, then she removed her Coral Ball Hairpins. After that, she pulled the Gold Thread Decorative off the back of her hair then proceeded to grab the Silk Crepe Decorative Cloth with the Tassel and removed the side and front lock, and took down the Date Hyugo hairstyle. She then proceeded to remove the Chopping Boards Obi, removed the Uchikake first, and grabbed Nakagi and the Date Eti. Once she was finished removing her outfits she then went and took the Nape White Makeup off her face. Took the Koma Geta and put them near the dresser while she put her outfit and accessories away in the drawer. Kenji then let out a sigh "Ahhh that feels so much better. I should probably summon Inosuke.". She grabbed her Furoside Shinzou Kanna and asked her to summon Inosuke in this case Inoko. When Inosuke entered Kenji's room he shut the shoji while Kenji turned around, She looked at Inosuke and started to speak "Hello Inoko, or should I say Inosuke."

Inosuke being him got mad that his cover was blown and started talking in his voice "Kenji what do you want woman!" He exclaimed. Kenji then proceeded to smirk, "Oh nothing dear you see Tengen is a good friend of mine and I'm actually a Hashira, I know why you're here and I recommend telling your yellow-haired friend to look in on Warabihime-Oiran see I was there when Hinatsuru got poisoned apparently I saw Warabihime-Oirans cloth on her she said it was a gift for Hinatsuru then I realized a bunch of girls like Koinatsu-Oiran had it. Warabihime-Oiran is a bitch to her Shinzou, Kamuro, and Yujo. She bullied so many of them they end up committing Ashinuke. So I figured I paid a lot of those girls' debt, they wouldn't run off because some of them were about to leave these places they wouldn't go die or runaway if that happened and Warabihime-Oiran must have kept them in an underground hidden place as food." Kenji sighed, Inosuke then answered back "So what your saying is they are probably underground oh yes a real challenge for me." he laughed.

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