Chapter 3

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                                                                                     (Inosuke POV)

As I saw Kenji walking out of her Shinshitsu with her Uchikake dragging behind her. I like Kenji she dresses up all her workers and comrades in comfy but stylish outfits it was blue today, (picture above) I had a light blue tulip kanzashi in my hair. It felt weird but comfy and I recently got in trouble with the old hags for punching a man, he made me lose the demon I had felt. Kenji got me out of trouble by saying "She's new she didn't know yet, I just heard that she never did stuff like this, an all-girls home.". She was super kind about it and is a good liar when she needs to be, I couldn't believe her background she told me all of her heritage. She ended up talking about how she was a royal noble but was never allowed in the royal palace. She did tell me Monistu and Monjiro would be in danger if they were here any longer. That means I have to get them out soon.

                                                                                        (Kenji's Pov)

As I walked out of the Shinshitsu with my Uchikake dragging behind me, I looked over, gazed at Inosuke, and slowly smiled at him. I then pulled a fan out of nowhere just kidding. but I pulled a fan out of the pocket I specifically designed in all my outfits. I covered half of my face with the fan and walked into the kitchen. I closed the fan and put it back in my pocket so it doesn't catch fire. I then helped in the kitchen get food ready. "Kenji-Oiran you didn't have to help us here." my Bandou Shinzou Bashira said.

                                                                                         (Third person Pov)

Kenji replied simply, "I know but I want to do as much as I can not to feel useless.". Bashira ended up slightly tearing up at the thought of it all the other Yuujo would either be too busy or just flat out refusing, especially the Heyamochi and the Zashikimochi they thought they were too good to be helping out in a so-called "Mere Kitchen".  Bashira thought "She's so kind and helpful nothing like the others I just hope we don't lose her, just like her mother." 

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