Chapter Four

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                                                                                ( POV Third person)

"I wonder if Makio-San is okay," one girl said, "I do too I dropped food by her door this morning.". the other girl replied. *Huh, Makio isn't that one of Lord Tengen's wives' names?* Inosuke thought to himself. As the girls walked away Inosuke put the tray he was carrying down and walked to Makio's room. As Kenji was walking down the halls getting all the girls ready for the night she saw Inosuke by Makio's door. "Ah Inosuke I was looking for you come on you need to get ready for tonight," she said as she took the boy back to his room. She called for the girls to help her get him ready. They put on a purple-flower kimono with a violet-purple webbed obi with a lilac waist knot (picture of the outfit above) while doing a pink lip stain for him. "You look so beautiful Inoko," one girl said to Inosuke. "She does I heard Kenji-Oiran has taken her as a helper." the other girls started chatting 'God when will those old hags shut up' thought Inosuke as he finished getting dressed up in wearing his outfit. 

                                                                              ( POV First person Kenji)

I put my date-hyugo hair up and added two coral ball hairpins with the front lock side lock and a white turtle shell flat hairpin with my white turtle shell three combs set as I called Mimi and Timi in to help put the silk crepe decorative and tassel. As they ran inside the heya and Mimi fell, I started scolding them "Girls I keep telling you not to run now look Mimi fell on the floor come here, girls.".  As Mimi and Timi walked toward me I asked Timi to get a bandaid from my third dresser drawer while I cleaned the scratch. "Thank you Timi." I said to her "Okay Mimi you're all done and good to go." I put on my nape white makeup with the three-line motif. I then placed the purple flowered design Date Eti on I then went to add a green flower design Nakagi, After I finished with the Nakagi. I went ahead and put a golden dragon Uchikake. I put a green and purple lotus flower chopping board obi around my outfit. I then topped my outfit with a bright red upper lip paint tint.  "Okay now I'm ready for work," I said out loud. I then got up to go to work, 'Wait I forgot'  I thought and ran to the side of my room I then grabbed a silk decorative handkerchief. "Okay now I'm ready," I said and went to Mimi and Timi as I was walking down the hall I heard something weird.

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