Chapter Two

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Before Inosuke walked out of Kenji-Oiran's room, she said, "Please do be careful I fear this may be the work of an upper moon, and well I'm more worried for Uzui-san and his wives..." As Kenji finished she turned her head a bit and nodded at Inosuke to leave. Once Inosuke left the room Kenji's two little Kamuros Mimi and Timi ran up to Inosuke and hugged him, Insouke was surprised at their reaction but let a tiny smile through. Kenji of course across the door smiled knowing Inosuke was safe for now. She took a little bit of a nap and fed her and her Kamuros while helping with chores in the tea house as Kenji looked out the window that had many Yujo behind bars of the Harimise.

(POV Kenji)

As I saw the girls behind the Harimise in the teahouse I instantly sighed. I knew what it was like here my mom grew up as an Oiran she told me stories about this place and what it was like living here. When I got assigned this mission I finally saw how badly they were treated and I vowed to make it different, I now knew what it was like to work and live here it didn't feel good. When I started working here I went through the ranks fast in at least five months I became an Oiran. My mother taught me the things she was trained as a child and my adoptive father told the masters of the house, my parents, ancestry. It was a long line of high-ranking Oirans and high-ranking nobles from the capitals with all the stuff my mother has been groomed to be and them before that is why I rose so fast in the ranks. The noble blood always lasted and was ranked higher in my family. All the oirans, concubines, and empresses had talents but that didn't matter in my family. All you needed was a pretty face, and all the women had that trait we were never seen as equal, we were always seen as pretty accessories on the side for the males. Never in our life were we treated as equals and history will repeat itself. My father was a grandson of a crowned prince of Japan. I was never allowed in the palace much even if I had royal blood my father was the son of a concubine and a crowned prince and my mother was a prostitute of a higher rank with noble blood. I was never able to escape my heritage even for a mission for the Demon Slayer Corporation.

(Third person)

Kenji realized she had to meet a potential client. She got up as fast as she could and called for Mimi and Timi. "Girls can you come in here and help me get ready, please" Mimi and Timi ran inside the room. "Girls I told you not to run around in the house Madam will get angry now let's help Kenji-Oiran prepare for a potential client." Kenji's furoside-shinzou Kanna replied. As Kanna put the Date Hyogo hair up with the front and side lock, Mimi and Timi gathered her clothes and accessories. Kenji replied to the girls once they picked her stuff "Okay girls can you go help the others with their chores, Kanna make sure they don't break anything." Kenji said softly but firmly. As the girls ran off and shut the shoji Kenji sighed and smiled. She adored the girls who helped her with everything, so she read them books and played lullabies for them. She dressed them up very pretty but comfy so they feel relaxed the people called her "The soft-hearted Oiran" because of how kind she was. It never occurred to them that Warabihime-Oiran would take pleasure in her and wanted her to her and her brother. As Kenji put the two coral ball hairpins on the left top side of her hair, two turtle shells on the top right side of her hair six on the bottom left, six on the bottom right three, on the right side of the middle lock, three on the left side of the middle lock. After all that she put the yellow silk crepe decorative cloth, and she adds the gold thread decorative knot and added the tassel. Once she finally put on the nape white makeup look with the three lines motif and painted the upper lip of her mouth bright red. She put the purple polka dot striped Date Eti, a zig-zag yellow Nakagi, then put a red floral Uchikake with a gold dragon pattern on her Mana Ita Obi, with the Koma Geta. She then exited her Shinshitsu and closed the shoji.

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