The Meeting

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This is still Sans POV

P.S The Star Sanses and the Bad Sanses get along in the Multiverse

'So Classic what happened that you needed to call a emergency meeting?' Nightmare asked 'Well you guys might want to sit down for this' I tell them and so I start from the beginning from what happened during the genocide route and then I told them that Frisk brought back Chara and Asreil 'Hold up Frisk did what?' Red says 'Heh,yeah I was surprised as well they said they killed the monsters to be able to make souls for them' I told them 'That doesn't justify killing the monsters though.' Dust says 'I know that's what they told me the thing is that's not what I called the meeting about though' I told them 'Then why did you call it' Killer asks 'This is why'I say I showed them the reset and continue button all of their eyes widen 'WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GET THOSE!?!' Red shouted silently cursing Fresh for blocking his words.

'Frisk gave it to me' I say 'Excuse me what?' Nightmare says 'That's not the only thing they did I say,take a look at my stats.' Everyone checks me their eyes widening once again one they see my stats


Name: Sans


Hp: Error/Error

Soul:Monster Soul

Ability: Gaster Blaster/Bones/Reset button

Info: Was given the ability to reset by Frisk and more HP by Frisk


My eyes widen 'That wasn't my HP last time' I say 'What do you mean' Cross asks 'Last time my hp was only 999999999' I say 'I don't like this why on earth would they give you this much HP' Error says 'That's just it they didn't only give it to me' 'What do you mean by that Classic?' Ink asks 'They gave it to all the monsters' I say 'THEY GAVE THE RESET AND SAVE BUTTON TO OTHER MONSTERS!?!' Dust screams 'No they gave more HP to the other monsters,they told me it was so they didn't die in only one hit' 'Did they say why?' Ink asks 'They said it was a sorry for killing the monsters on the last genocide run' 'How do we know they are not gonna reset again?' Dust asks 'Because,it has been almost 6 years since the last reset' 'WHAT!' everyone screams. 'What have I gotten myself into oh,boy'

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