Frisk Meets Some Sans Aus

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(Since I haven't been posting since school is coming up really soon I made this one longer)

Frisk POV:

"Do you ever get that feeling that something bad is going to happen because that's the feeling I am getting right now" "Should I do something about it?......Nah,I'll be fine." "Okay maybe I should've done something about it because I am tied to a chair" "So what should we do with her?" I hear "Oh so there is someone here." I think my blindfold gets removed and I see UNDERFELL SANS? "Okay I need to act dumb since a Frisk shouldn't know about the aus." "SANS?! why did you kidnap me and why do you look so edgy?" I say to Red his eyebrow twitches a little and he looks at me and says "Look i'm not your sans yes I am a sans but not yours." "Then who are you?" I say "the name is Red" he says "okay Mr.Red why did you kidnap me?" I ask "someone needs to talk to you" he says "Um is it the other person that I heard?" i ask. "Just follow me" He says.

He unties me from my chair and I get up with him and start walking we step into a room where the star sans,bad sanses and my sans at I see Horror sans "Maybe I could try fixing his skull" I look at my sans and my eyes light up. "SANS THERE YOU ARE!" I shout smiling at him "me and Papyrus made you some brownies" I say taking out the brownie that was wrapped in aluminium foil from my pocket. "also you didn't have to kidnap me If you wanted to talk you could have asked" Horror looks at the brownie hungrily I take out another brownie from my pocket and look at him and say "this was my brownie but you look like you need it more here." I walk over to him and unwrap it and give it to him everyone looks wary of me and horror eats the brownie. I walk over and gives sans his brownie as well and walk back to my spot and sit down.

"So what do you need to talk to me about?" I ask him "How were you able to make souls and give me the reset and continue button" he asks I look at him and pretend to think hard "I don't really know when I came to the underground for the second time after pacifist I heard a voice it told me if you want to save them all kill them and it will tell me what to do next,at first I was against it so I did pacifist again but then I really wanted Chara and Asriel back since Ms.Toriel looked so sad with them gone." I told him "So you basically took the voices advice and killed everyone right." I nod my head yes "So what happened next" he asked "After I killed everyone which I honestly didn't want to do I reset the voice told me it gave me to imagine souls for Flowey and Chara and that's what I did after Chara and Asreil were revived I wanted to break the reset button." Red coughs "Excuse me what you wanted to break it" I nod at him "So what stopped you than" Sans asked me.

I look back towards him "The voice told me If I break the button it will probably cause a glitch in the timeline and who knows someone will probably die" I said "And let me guess you didn't want anyone dead" I nod my head "so what about the reset and continue button that you gave me?" he asks I light up at that "I gave that to you so just in case you die you can continue back from where you were killed because I don't want papyrus to be sad if you died and if papyrus or anyone else is killed you can reset,since I already made a promise I wouldn't do it anymore so from now on if you do reset and if we go back to the underground I will do pacifist." I tell him 

"Why didn't you give me the reset and continue button right away then?" he asked "Because if I did you would think it was just for nothing so I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't going to reset." I told him. "So that's why you waited so many years before giving it to me then?" he says "Correct" I tell him "Um can I maybe try something?" I ask Sans "Depends what it is" he tells me "Well I don't really know the full extent of the powers I have so I was wondering if I could fix um what's his name?" I said pointing to Horror "His name is Horror" Sans tell me "and what do you mean fix?" "I mean fix his skull" I tell him "Can you actually do that" Horror looks hopefully at me "I mean it wouldn't hurt to try" I tell him "but it's up to you" he nods excitedly at me I walk over to him and try my powers on him ~Full healing acquired and completed~ I hear and I open my eyes to see Horrors skull back to whole again. 

"There done I say" everyone looks at me surprised and Horror feels his skull to see it whole again and looks happy. "Well kid let's go home" Sans says "okay,bye everyone" I say waving to them "Thanks for fixing my skull" Horror says "your welcome" I tell him I look back to Sans "hey Sans can I come back to give Horror more food?" I say looking at Sans he looks at me and smiles "Heh,sure kid why not now lets go" we teleport back home and go to bed. "Well this was a long day I wonder how tomorrow will go" I think with a smile while drifting off to sleep.

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