Reds Brother Is Missing

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Classic P.o.v:
Red had called a meeting saying his brother was missing and he knows the kid didn't kill him because he has been watching the kid and hasn't seen any dust around. Now we have to wait until Ink finds him.

Frisk P.o.v:
Edge came over again today, right now we are in the pocket dimension I made a long with papyrus and Chara. "Human Frisk what are we going to play today?" Papyrus asked "Well I was thinking maybe we can go to other aus and have papyruses from those aus play with us?" I said.

"That is a wonderful idea Human Frisk" Papyrus said. "Please just call me Frisk" I said "Alright then Frisk" "What do you think Edge?" Papyrus asked. "I guess it would be okay since my brother has something going on with his aus I say it is fair" Edge says. "alright lets go" I say. Making a portal to outers au first.

Papyrus P.o.v:

We went to an au Frisk call Outertale to pick up this Papyrus. It wasn't very hard to find them as we saw them floating nearby,Frisk told us to wait as she was going to go talk to them. She walked over and started talking to Papyrus it looked like the Papyrus was confused at first and then he smiled and got down and they started coming over to us.

"GREETINGS NEW FRIENDS!" he said. "HELLO!" I shouted. "Yeah whatever" Edge said although I could see he was slightly happy. (Tsundere Edge LOL) Well shall we get going Chara said. I had almost forgot Chara was here. "Yes we should before his Sans see's us" Frisk said as she opened the portal back to her own pocket diemension,while we walked through.

When we got there the new Papyrus started talking "you can call me Comet "he said. "I am Cinnamon,thats Edge and these two are Frisk and Chara,Frisk is the human you were talking to" I said. "Thats awesome" Comet said. "Well we still have a lot more aus to visit" Frisk said making another portal. "Lets get to it"

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