Frisk Visits Horror

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Horray I'm finally updating this after a while thank you all for being patient with me this will be short since I'm writing this at 8:35

Frisk POV:

I finally decided to visit Horror with Sans accompying me,me and Papyrus decided to make cookies and other goodies for him and his brother. "Hey Ink can you teleport me and Frisk here to Nightmares castle?" Sans asked. Ink nodded his head and made a portal out of ink on the ground and we went through it. We arrived at the castle where the the gang was talking talking and Nightmare was nowhere to be seen. "What are you guys doing here?" Dust asked us. 

Sans looked nervous so I took over and said "Well me and Sans came to see Horror" Dust rolled his eyes I guess and called over Horror. Horror walked over to us I smiled at him "Me and Papyrus made you food for you and your brother" I said holding up the two baskets of food to him. He grabbed the baskets and muttered a quite thank you as he teleported somewhere else that was probably his au.

Dust looked at us again "You guys can go now" he stated "Ink get us out of here" Sans said. Ink made another portal and we dissapeared through it leaving the castle behind "Well see you guys soon" Ink said waving and dissapearing through another portal I headed to my room and started to think about what else I could do now that I'm here I must have got to engrossed into my thoughts because soon after I fell asleep.

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