"With this storm coming in, my chances of getting into this qualifying course are becoming low." Nani groaned loudly against her pillow, the thunderstorm roared outside her window, the girl just laid on her bed a few minutes until she couldn't handle it.She closed the curtains of her room and took her ukelele from the corner, passing her fingers through the strings, playing a few notes randomly. Haunani liked the rain, she really did, but when nature decided to mess with her training, well she hates it with every cell in her body. Feeling the stress of not being able to do something made Haunani leave her ukulele alone, trying her best to distract herself with something else, she paced around her room, and finally decided to leave, heading to the kitchen.
"Hey, Dad, anything new happening outside the storm?" Haunani jumped up on the kitchen island, her feet dangling as she saw her father cleaning up their kitchen area.
"Well, from what words spreading at work, Ward has been doing some research about an old tale from this island, a children's story of the Royal Merchant, who knows why but, something important went down." Marcus Kahale worked in the Cameron Development, his boss would change from Ward to Rose but still, both of his bosses were very secretive.
"Do you know what the Royal Merchant is?" Nani asked curiously about it. A children's tale that one of the richest men on the island is looking for? Well, it seemed something interesting.
"Well, I asked around and some of my co-workers said it was an English ship that got lost at sea, and it had gold inside of it, they haven't found it but, people want that gold, imagine how much simpler life could be." Marcus explained, stopping his actions to place full attention on Nani.
"But why would Ward need that gold? He's extremely rich, like, disgustingly rich, unless he plans to do something with it." The last sentence made Nani chuckle, she knew how the Cameron's were, they would just give their money away, they were too shallow to do so.
"I have no idea, I am just a shipment guy, if I do get to hear something else about it, I'll make sure to tell you first." Marcus dropped the kitchen towel, walking over to Nani he crossed his arms. "Now, get off the island, and get things inside, any second now the storm will get uglier and we want the least possible damage." With that being said, the teenager hopped off, her feet dragged behind her as she headed over to the backyard, picking up a few hardware, chairs, and more home objects that should've been inside.
When night time came around the storm took over, vanishing most of the island's electricity, and when that occurred, the Kahale family had a backup plan, some lanterns, and candles around their home, just enough for those who stayed up to continue their work.
"Holy shit." Nani whispered when she opened her curtains the next day and saw the muddy mess outside her window. Jumping out of bed, Nani walked outside, putting on her sneakers, she looked around, noticing how pieces of trees had been taken apart and flown to the backyard, and how pieces of its leaves had fallen, this mess had to be quickly cleaned up.
FanfictionWhy would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half, as pretty You gave her your sweater It's just polyester, but you like her better Wish I were Heather