8: The Chaos Chapter: No Rules

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~ Sunday 11th September, 1977 ~

The first week of seventh year was over, and on a decidedly chilly September night, Lily and James decided to stay in their dorms, where the fire could keep their aching bones company. It was Sunday, and they had spent the day with their friends, doing nothing in particular. Lily had also spent all of Sunday finishing a short charms essay they were assigned; however James had been no where to be seen all day.

They sat in their chairs, fire blazing, and their radio playing a crackly song in the background. Both cozy and snug, Lily was reading her book, whilst James planned how to start a conversation with her.

"So... eh... is your book any good?" He asked, vaguely.

"Mm hm," came the non commits reply.

"Good, good," James didn't know what else to say to that.

Lily flicked through the next couple pages slowly, whilst they sat in a (now quite common) awkward silence. Keeping her eyes on the page, Lily spoke up.

"So where were you all day Potter?" she said lazily, turning her head slightly to James, "haven't seen you all day, it's like you disappeared."

James sniggered, as Lily clearly didn't realise just how accurate that statement actually was, "oh you know... just around."

"Hmm," Lily narrowed her eyes, she didn't like that reply, it sounded like trouble. She turned back to her book. This evasiveness was what Lily was afraid of; James had a tendency to get on her nerves by dancing around subjects that he clearly wanted to talk about.

Fearing he was losing his audience, James reluctantly continued, "we grabbed some drinks at the pub, you should join us som-" Ah. Shit. Hadn't meant to blurt that out.

Lily brow furrowed even more, and she looked at him in confusion, "the pub?" She continued on, like Sherlock Holmes trying to out together a case, "How did you get there?"

James cleared his throat awkwardly, "Ah sorry it- it was just a joke."

"Potter I've known you for 6 years now I know when your joking. How did you get to the pub? We didn't have a trip yesterday, I'd have known. Plus, I didn't even think we'd be going there... what with everything that's happening..." James could see her kind ticking over, the cogs turning one by one, moving the machine in her mind, trying to produce an answer to this unanswerable question.

"I mean surely you couldn't have just walked out, could you." She was mainly talking to herself but shot James a look of impressed confusion, "could you?"

"No we didn't just walk out," he said, vaguely offended at the notion that they'd break the rules in such a boring way.

"So... I honestly don't understand. How did you get to the Leaky Cauldron on a random Sunday?" Lily was fully immersed at his story now. Her mind conflicted: on one hand the Head Girl in her was outraged that the Head Boy, the example that is set for all the younger students was flagrantly breaking rules designed to keep order and protect students. But on the other hand... well this was an impressive feat, even she couldn't deny that, some pranks were impressive, but this must require genuine care and attention, and, well, brains.

"Pfft. You're Head Girl, I'm not gonna rat myself out," he retorted, not willing to share this long held secret so willingly.

"You're Head Boy, James," she stated obviously, "anyway if you've kept how you get to Hogsmede without being noticed for so long, I won't say a word... I'm actually sort of impressed."

James blushed a little, feeling a rush of pride for himself and his friends. When he thought about it, it was quite an achievement.

"I'll have to consult with the others," he said, quite seriously now, "I can't just go round giving out details of our hijinx without their permission."

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