Tick Tock, Paradox! There's A Civil War!

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"Everything's going to be okay!! I promise!"

"Get away from him! I'll kill you!"

"You must learn to push past your fears, or you'll only stay in the same place."

"Hey! This isn't about me, this is about the two of you. Work together or not at all."

"Y/n! We gotta stop him! Keep moving!"

"This is war, it's not a battle anymore. I need to know if you're ready to fight."

"You're off your leash now, pipsqueak. Go wild."

"The door to peace only closed when you give up."

"You're still a kid, but you're one of the most powerful people here."

"We need to deal with this now. Before they get their hands on you."

"This fight will be the last time we see his face, I promise."

"Channel your power and get out there! Be a hero!"

"You truly were a miracle in the shadows. Y/n Hill... I'll remember that name."


"Can't I have a normal alarm?!" Y/n says and slap the alarm button for it to shut up. He groaned and got up. He looks around to find himself in a room, of course, that's where Y/n lived. He figured his adoptive mother wouldn't be at the house and out doing her military job. Y/n looked in the mirror of the bathroom to find his messy red hair and green eyes. Y/n quickly turned on the water for the shower since he stank. Y/n unfortunately made a mistake jumping into the shower right away. "AGGGVHH!! COLD!!"

Y/n quickly turned the nozzle the other direction in a hurry but screamed even louder. "AHGHHGHHHHH!!!!! HOOOOOOOT!!!!"

He eventually found the right temperature and took a shower even after all that. Y/n then stepped out of the shower and put on a jacket and clothes. Stepping out of the shower, he looked at the clock. "I've got a little time before I have to leave."

He walked around and made his way to the kitchen. Y/n quickly cooked and made himself some breakfast burritos. Jersey City would have to wait for this 14 year old. Well, he could prove his mother that he was capable of living by himself, but then he'd miss out on her wonderful cooking. Y/n definitely didn't want that so, here he is. Y/n put on his headphones and played some music as he left the house. Y/n ate his burrito as he entered the cold air of the city. "I was playing video games all night, it's hard to believe that super heroes really do exist in this world. After defeating Ultron, you would think they'd all be Buddy Buddy. But of course, Kamala would know more about that than I would."

"🎶Raindrops keep falling on my head🎶" Y/n sang as he blinked and see a green stone. He quickly open his eyes and look around confused. Y/n keeps walking but heard something:


He shakes it off and walks a little faster. Y/n heads over to a high school, walked in and kept his head down. Chatter, talking, and his wishful thinking. Y/n walked between the tiny cracks of people to get by. He put down his bags as someone tapped him on the head. "Hey, Y/n! Good morning!"

"Ah, hey Kamala, I'm surprised you got any sleep since we were playing video games." Y/n told the girl as she smiled and sat down.

"Well, I went to sleep. I wasn't expecting you to stay up forever." She said jokingly but still shyly. Hard to believe someone like her would have trouble fitting in, unlike Y/n, who didn't want to fit in. His family and hers were cool with each other, but due to the different cultures, it can be challenging at times.

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