What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath

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"Time. Space. Reality. It's
more than a linear path. It's a
prism of endless possibility, where
a single choice can branch out into
infinite realities, creating alternate
worlds from the ones you know. I
am the Watcher. I am your guide
through these vast new realities.
Follow me and ponder the

"Alright, not what I imagined this to go down!" Y/n shouted as he avoided being grabbed by Apocalypse

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"Alright, not what I imagined this to go down!" Y/n shouted as he avoided being grabbed by Apocalypse. Around them was a wasteland as they all went to the desert. By all, I mean the Avengers, some other guys with a bald dude, and the guardians. Oh, and they weren't looking so good. Apocalypse flicked his fingers up as the whole ground broke apart and rose in the air. "Move move move!"

Everyone either avoided it or blocked it. Cable aimed his gun at Apocalypse as Spider-Man tries to web the god up. "Isn't he immortal, Mr. Stark?!"

"Don't think about that, don't think about this." Apocalypse destroyed the webs with ease and absorbed the blast. He put out his hand as a massive energy blast came out and hit Rhodey's suit. Tony looked at him, "RHODES!!"

"Alright, anyone got any bright ideas?!" Quill asked as he flew around trying to shoot as well.

Y/n slammed his fist into Apocalypse, wielding the space stone on a glove as well. Apocalypse went back and tried to strike but Y/n forced down with the space down with gravity. The god hit the ground but made a Forcefield. "He couldn't have been powerful forever. I don't really wanna try this, but I can try reducing his body rapidly or reducing it rapidly."

"So he'd either never be born or die! Sounds like a plan to me!" Gamora said as Steve looked at y/n.

"What do you need to get closer?" Steve asked as Y/n smiled at him.

"It's gonna take a while, just gotta weaken him down until he can't do anything." Y/n said as a man with flaming skull sighed.

"So we're in for a long ride." He said as soon the Watcher appeared from the sky.

"Y/n Rogers, A Father of Time, Guardian of the Universe, you have been chosen." The watcher said as soon Y/n found himself in a pub.

"Oh, we're in a pub." A...Thor said.

"What the...? Thor?" Y/n wondered why he looked different, but after dealing with his clone, he shouldn't be this shocked.

"I know this place." Peggy looks at a picture of Steve as Y/n looked at her, she definitely looked like his mother, and that was weird... why was she wearing a...oh. OOOH.

"The pub facade was my idea. I read it on you biography. I hope you like it." Strange said but he looked tired.

"Stephen, what happened to you?" Y/n asked as Strange smiled at him.

"Good to see you again." He said as Y/n was confused. Strange then moved to the side but then sees his other self, or Y/n from Strange's universe. He was badly injured with scars all over.

Paradox (MCU x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now