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Keefe jerked suddenly. Another telepathic message from Foster. Except this one was more urgent.

Keefe, there's a battle going on right now. Backup may be needed. Ask Silveny to take some backup where she found me, then talk to the thestrals. See you soon, if I don't die. 


Keefe whirled from his desk, heading towards the door, and Ro grabbed his shoulders quickly, turning him to face her. "WOAH! Where are you going?" 

Keefe let out a breath of exasperation. "Sophie called for Silveny. I'm going with her. You can't stop me." 

Ro smiled toothily. "Why would I stop you? Just come back in half an hour or I'm coming after you." 

Keefe smiled at her graciously, then ran out the door to where Silveny was waiting for him. He jumped on her back. "Take me to Sophie!" he told Silveny, who nickered and complied, landing him a while later on a hill near a large old castle. 

Hidden by the forest's reaching shadows was Sophie, talking to three kids Keefe didn't know. She had a cut over one eye, and she was limping slightly, but she was okay. Barely restraining his cry of joy, he ran up to her, smiling bigger than he ever had before.


There was Draco's dad, even meaner than before. Several shadowy figures came up on his left, half smoke floating there defiantly. But on his right... More Neverseen agents than she had ever seen. 

And yet, Lady Gisela and Vespera weren't there to make a speech. Instead, Lucius Malfoy stepped forward, ordering Harry to give him the prophecy. The prophecy. Sophie thought back to the cryptic message in hers.

Moonlark rising, burning bright, turning the tides and bringing truth to the light, 

Find power inside or the worlds will divide. 

The shifter's song will save us all, if only she chooses to look, 

Unlock the power to save the book.

She would save them. Even if it meant her life would end, she would bring the Neverseen and the Death Eaters down with her.

She sent a short transmission to Keefe and Silveny, then transmitted to the others beside her. "Do exactly as I say. In exactly three seconds, hand me the prophecy and run for the door. 

Stun anyone who gets between you and the main hall. Someone from the Order will be there shortly. NOW GO!"

Harry tossed her the orb, and the others ran. Sophie held it to her ear long enough to hear the prophecy, then threw it onto the ground.

"You'll pay for that," Ruy snarled. Sophie smiled, and began to turn into the most dangerous thing she knew, the gorgodon.

"Are you sure about that? You seem to be outnumbered." Sophie swept her powerful tail, causing everyone to jump back. Her mind jumped to a special kind of bee. Small, but powerful. 

And, a huge plus, its stings knocked people unconscious without killing the bee. She became a swarm, buzzing around, stinging everyone she could get to. Then, she swooped upwards and became herself again in midair, her cape billowing in the wind slightly.

She landed in fox form, then began swirling water, shadows and fire to cage them all in. Instinctively, she opened a portal beneath them. But instead of showing the emptiness of the void, it was white. Blank, endless white. 

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