Running away or not

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Rachel's POV:

Ashley I am so happy we got on the team this is the best thing that's happened to me since I stopped myself thinking of the last time I was happy that was with my mom I instantly got sad because I could never see her again.

Rachel are you ok you were just happy and now your sad Ashley asked I'm fine I said
What is Rachel not happy she got on the team Jamie said in a mean tone no I just miss my mom I said oh she just wants her mommy she said ya I want to see her because I'm not allowed to see her I said well nobody cares she said as she walked over to me and punched me in the face I fell on the floor. I instantly got up and ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there. Ashely was telling me to open the door I ignored her then I heard the door unlock I ran in the stall and I see a open window I climbed out and sat against the wall and I heard Ashley call my name but I didn't notice that she climbed out the window what are you doing out here she asked I needed a break I said well you took a break now let's go she said no I need a break for everybody in that school and in my house I said you need a break from me and Oliver she said no but I need to runaway I said ok we get Oliver and go she said no I can't make Oliver leave I said no he wants to leave she said well then we will go get stuff and leave I said Rachel we also need a coat and/or sweatshirt and money she said ok we meet at the park now let's go back to class she said ok I said.

After school

Ok Oliver and I will go home and we will meet at the park at 3:00 Ashley said ok I said.

Hey mom I'm home I yell hey sweetie she said can I have 50 dollars I asked for what she asked back well it's my friends birthday tomorrow and I wanted to get her something I said ok her is 100 dollars she said handing me $100 I asked do 50 I said well have an extra 50 she said thank I said and ran up stairs I went into my closet and took out my backpack I grabbed a couple of shirts 4 pair of jeans and 2 pairs of shorts some pajamas and a sweatshirt I put on my coat and waited a few hours and then I went down stairs and left.

At the park

Hey Ashley where's Oliver I asked he should be here in a few she said you didn't leave together I asked as we heard something behind the tree we walked over to the tree and we looked it was one of the girls but I didn't remember her name what are you doing here I asked I didn't want mom and dad to be depressed she said sorry there are so many of you what's your name again Avia she said well Avia you need to go home I said I will only go home is you come to she said plus if you didn't come home I brought some stuff she said Avia go home now I said/yelled no she said and sat on the bench fine if you don't want to go home I can't force you to go I said fine I'm going come on Emmi she said I looks at the water fountain and Emmi came out what is Gavin here too I said no he's waiting at the house for us Emmi said just go I said please come home with us Avia said I always wanted a big sister she added

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