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                      NUNMANI | NUNI                        Houston , Texas

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Houston , Texas

"Come on Nuni it's time to get up." A nurse said shaking me

"What bitch." I snapped

"Firstly happy 22nd birthday and u getting discharged today." The nurse said

"Finally what time is it." I said getting up and rubbing my eyes



"Here put this on and knock on the door when u done." She said and I nodded I quickly changed and knocked on the door

"Ok let's sign you out." She said and I signed the paper

"Ok Um Nuni this is Jonathan your parole officer." She said making me sigh remembering the court deal.

"Where's my nurse." I said clearly irritated

"I'm your nurse."

"Ok let's go." I said and we started walking to a nice lambo truck

"This nice." I said checking out the car

"Thank you." The nurse said

"So are we going to get me some things." I said

"Um yea we're going to the mall don't hold back and then we're going to get you ankle monitor." She said making me roll my eyes

I Sat on my bed putting my clothes and shoes up I didn't hold back just as Jessica/ the nurse said. I had lots of clothes and shoes an iPad, MacBook, AirPods, Apple Watch, and a iPhone 12 max I got a lot of stuff but she said don't hold back so i didn't. I live with Jessica and Jonathan live here too with his annoying ass I hate him and I wanna kill him he lucky I just got out the mental hospital.

"Come on Nuni it's time for dinner." She said and I got up and followed her to the dining room where Jonathan was already sitting.

"What we eating."

"Burgers and fries." She and I nodded I don't like talking that much I'll rather think of ways I could kill you. If u haven't guessed it I have mixed personalities and I have bipolar disorder.

Once I finished eating I set up all my stuff then took a shower and went to sleep because it was late.


"It's time to wake up." Jessica said shaking

"Igh stop touching me yk I hate that." I said irritated cause I tell this bitch not to touch me everyday

"Sorry Um well get ready we leaving to get yo ankle monitor at 7:15 it's 6.

"Igh." I said and she walked out and I got up got in the shower y'all should know how to shower so Ian gon explain it.

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