chapter four

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"Hey, how was your first second period class of your new school?" Mille asked as we walked to our next class which was together, thankfully.
"Alright," I dryly answered.

Did you meet anyone interesting?" She asked with a little shimmy in her shoulders.

"Not in the way you're thinking," I laughed.
"Not anyone?"

"Well there was this one guy, but i think him and his friend put a little bet on me. Betting whoever could 'get' me."

"Ugh boys, I swear there are no good boys at this school." She grimaced.

"Well I transferred to the wrong school."
"More like county." She joked. "What was his name?" She asked as we walked into our mathematics class.

"His name's-" I was cut off by making eye contact with the boy who's name I was about to say. His brown eyes looked into mine as Mille led the way towards him.

"Ooh, hold that thought. I want you to meet a friend. Avalon this is Louis, Louis this is the new student Avalon." She said, smiling while looking at us.

"Um we already met." I told her. She looked at us as if I spoke another language.
"We sit by each other in Mr.Browns history class." Louis informed.

"Well that's great!" She cheered as she sat down across from Louis. I took the seat next to her.
"So what was his name?" Millie asked, continuing our previous conversation. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Louis head perk up a bit, obviously eavesdropping into our convo.

"Uh, y-yeah I didn't catch his *ahem* n-name." I said, lowering my voice towards the end.
"Oh," she said surprised "but it sounded like you were about to say it when we entered class."
"Nope," I told her, turning towards the front where the teacher was walking to the front of the classroom.

"Good morning students, how are we feeling this morning?" She called out in a cheerful tone. A weak collection of 'goods' rang out from the students.

"Great! Well as I informed you last class we have a new student," she said picking up my transfer papers from her desk "Avalon Stephens," she called, looking around until I caught her eye.

"Hello Avalon, I know it's not the beginning of the year but we usually go around introducing ourselves and give two interesting facts about ourselves. Now if you're willing, please stand up and with a clear voice, give us an introduction to Avalon Stephens."

I hesitantly stood up from my seat as everyone's heads turned towards me, their eyes judging me behind their unamused smiles.

"Hello my name is Avalon Stephens. Im from The United States, New York specifically. Two facts... oh um- I've actually never been to Europe before and now I live here," I chuckle humorlessly as well as others in the class, one coming from across the table I sit at "another interesting fact is that I love the anything having to do with the arts. Theatre, music, photography, painting, dance. You name it, I love it." I say sitting down before the teacher asks me extra questions because that's what teachers do.

Luckily she thanks me then heads on to the lesson for the day. From across the table I feel eyes lingering on me for a while.

A/N: sorry for not updating for a while, I started school and that's been... for lack of better words I'll say tuff

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