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After coming home from Zach's at precisely 2:35am, I genuinely feel disappointed. I feel stupid. I should have known he would've done this. I should've known his friends were gonna come over.

10 years. 10 years of liking Zach. I shouldn't of even wasted all those years being so damn obsessed with him. Hoping that one day, maybe, we'll even get married and have two kids.

And I do believe I deserve better than him, just like what Guy said.

But do you?

I make a long sighing/groaning sound. What do I know about love anyways? It's fake. It has to be. Ain't no way it's real.

But if it's not real, then explain Angel and Guy or Athena and Salvatore.

I need sleep, but my anxiety is keeping me up. Should I just talk to Zach about how he's making me feel? After all I did say to Angel that communication is key in a relationship.

Eventually my eyes began to drift to a deep sleep as I now face my problems in my dreams.

Bzzz bzzz..... Bzzz bzzz.... Bzzz bzzz

"What the-" I moan rubbing my eyes as the vibrations from my phone continues. I pick it up.

"Hello?" my voice is weak, barely even visible, but visible enough to hear.

"Hey Aph, are you almost ready? Salvatore and I are just about to leave to the town square" her voice was cheery and happy.

I've always been so envious of Athena. She's always been so positive about everything.

"Oh shit sorry! Only just woke up" I sit up. I try to hide the sadness in my voice, I take a deep breath in before exhaling.

I get up and out of bed, stretching.

I accidentally catch my reflection staring deep into my own eyes.

Pathetic loser.

I hate mirrors. I hate looking at myself. And most of all I hate the way my body looks.


I clear my throat, "yeah?"

"Are you okay?" She asks.


"I know you aren't"

I look around my room, now thinking about what to wear.

"Okay... can I tell you later?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll make sure you spill it" she chuckles.

"Yeah" I smile.

"Anyways get ready! Message me when you're about to head down so we can come"

I giggle. I'll forever and always love her energy. Out of all the jealousy, I'm glad she's the one who's mentally stable. She deserves all the good things in life.

 The Bakery (Brian Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now