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"I'm tired of you being so lazy lately. It's been 3 days now since you haven't moved from your bed!" Mum bursts into my room like a FBI agent.

I don't say anything. I look at her with sadness on my face.

"You know what? How about you do the grocery shopping for this week? You need to do something with your life. It's just a cafe. Get over yourself. I'm going to write you up the list, you can get whatever you want outside the list then I'll send you the money after. Okay? And please Aph, please shower" she squints her eyes shaking her head then closing the door behind her.

I sigh. I get up. My legs felt like jelly. I've hardly been eating, or moving lately. Haven't been able to shower or brush my teeth either. I just couldn't bring myself to move from this bed since 3 nights ago.

Pathetic, you are. So unlovable. So-

"Now, Aphrodite!"


I get out of my house instantly getting blinded by the sun. Boy, I haven't seen that in ages.

I walk to my car which suddenly seemed dirty. You never realise how long 3 days you see how dirty things can quite get.

"Morning!" Mr Q glees happily maintaining his garden.

"Morning" I say back with slight emotions.

"Haven't seen you get out of the house for awhile, everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay" I smile.

"You sure? We've heard about the cafe. You wanna come over for dinner to make you feel better?"

I think about it for a moment. This could be my chance to see Brian again, if he's even coming over. But then again, I don't have any chances with him. He would never like a girl like me. Zach doesn't even like me. I don't even like myself how can anyone-

"You don't have to if you don't want to. We'd just love to have you around" he interrupts my thoughts. If not for Brian, it just might be good for me to get back to human communication.

"Yeah I'll come. Same time?" I ask.

"Yes yes! Great, I'll see you then"

"See ya" I wave before getting into my car.


I was pushing my trolley around, looking down at my phone in which had all the groceries mum wished for me to get. As I make a left my trolley clashes with another, nearly causing me to drop my phone.

"Oh sorry!" I look up at the familiar man. My heart instantly begins to rush through my chest. Oh, that beautiful, beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey" he softly smiles.

"H-h-hi, I-I mean just hi"

Wow that was so casual well done. We're all cheering for you Aph.

He slightly narrows his eyebrows which always seems like his go to reaction when I'm around.

"Sorry, um-" I tucked my hair behind my ear. I didn't need to. Gave me a bit of comfort though, "I'll go, nice seeing you" I was about to make my way around him as he takes a moment to reflect.

"Will I be seeing you again?"

I look behind my shoulder, "huh?"

"Will I be seeing you again?" He repeats. I stare at him dumbfounded.

He wants to see me again? Why would he want to see me again? What does that mean?

"I'm just saying considering your sister is dating my good friend, Sal, I just assume that I'll be able to see you again some time" he shrugs it off.

"Oh, r-right! I guess we will then. And also considering that your parents lives right next door to me and usually invite me over for dinners, I guess we will!" My voice goes a bit loud and high pitched.

"Yeah. Well then, I'll see you" he gives me a smile. I happily receive it returning it back showing teeth as my whole body turns into a warm puddle of mess.

"Bye bye" I almost whisper watching him leave.

He better be at dinner tonight!


 The Bakery (Brian Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now